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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Not a chance. Biased partisan hacks like you think your political party is full of heroes to worship. How utterly pathetic. Ewwww.
  2. It’s over! PULL TUUKKA!!!!
  3. Meh, we’ll see. Nobody really cares about the deficit. I made a sarcastic remark about China using this against us and Spinner bit. You know he’s a big fan of theirs now. You bit that hook because you are an idiot. So...how about answering my question? Still can’t ecen pull something outnof tour ass, eh?
  4. Hahaha!!!! Boston is getting spanked! They can’t figure out Bennington. Looey is putting on a god damn clinic! Boston-Possible shut out on game 7....at home!!!!
  5. Agreed but Spinner seems to think China is gonna “win” something here.
  6. Why does it sound pathetic to you? What do you ride?
  7. How can you figure that? You don’t think there’s more market for a used SX sled then there will be this e-sled? Fuck off.
  8. Clearly you need enlightening. I just don’t have it in me right now. Maybe tomorrow. First, please post all the wonderful benefits of being.Blade owner. We can start there.
  9. You are a sad imbecile. Stay in your lane. Or, how about go back up and answer my question? Dummy.
  10. The greatest sporting event on the planet, BAR NONE, is underway!!! GAME 7 for Stanley’s Cup!!!!!! Looey got a nice jump and caught Boston flat footed. Smart defensive play and they’ll lick this up. Good fast play so far.
  11. I understand that and am not happy with the spending but, China can’t “wait us out” on our spending. They can only manipulate the currency for so long and as we start locking down foreign replacements in their own theater on parts and manufacturing. I just don’t see their win trying to play this. They are better offbanking on the weak half of America rooting for them and Biden replacing Trump.
  12. Like Obama’s wealth being looked at pre-2008 and 2012? Then again in 2016? It makes no difference how he got it...would it be what it is if he wasn’t POTUS? No. Or how about the rest of the fucking “public servants” before their cash cow came in and they took a chair in DC? I guess my point is, one way or another, being elected to the top chair(s) is pseudo celebrity now and pays accordingly with all the perks. This is worldwide. Thank the Kardashians I guess. I’ve read Trump has been the only one to lose net worth.
  13. IDK, Retirement at 65? It would seem to me that most of the quality years are behind them and not a lot left in the world either mentally or physically for them to enjoy....not to mention, it could be that work was the only place they can go to get away from a shitty home life and now that’s being taken away? Fuck, who knows. Half credit for doing it right I guess and not being a burden on the rest of society. If his wife was a miserably hag and family was shit, I hope he left everything to charity.
  14. This thing will be a “throw away” like those mid size sleds or that “Blade” boondoggle. Who is going to service this thing? Oh yes...it’s electric and therefore....maintenance free!!! Let’s be honest, the kind of people buying this aren’t going to have more than a handful of tools in the kitchen drawer (most will be bike and kayak tools). If somebody fronts the “starts at $15k” they’d better plan to keep it for a long time.
  15. “...may not fully pay for themselves.” ....or they may? Or partially? Or not at all? RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES!!!!!!!
  16. Ahahaahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahaa!!!!!!!! I saw what you did there.
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