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Everything posted by Skidude600

  1. So you actually have a purpose in life, now. Good for you!!
  2. Yeah we get off at Commins. Our crew took the trip to Mckinley once. Never again!! The longer the trip, the more you drink. The more you drink, the more you fall down trying to get out of your kayak. That was a bad day. Good thing for buses...... That's definitely a beautiful spot. Knotty pine on the inside I assume? X2 on the toys. Pole barn's a few years down the road, then hopefully retirement.
  3. OK. I have to ask. Where at? I have a place literally 10 min away from McKinley, on the backwaters, in Mio.
  4. Nope. Me either. My daughter brought a group of her college friends up to our cabin. We all went down the river, but i told all of them to put their empties in the kayak cause if i caught the dumping one they would never come back.
  5. Its pathetic how lazy people are. We kayak down a river in northern Mich that see a lot of inebriated people during the summer. It's not uncommon to see beer cans floating by or lining the banks of the river. Makes me sick.
  6. So fill this clueless guy in, AMG. Isn't the bottom line being the winner, not if i had a supercharger on my mustang i could beat a Zl1? Does that get you a trophy and bragging rights? It was a simple question....... As far as being brand bias, I'm far from it. As long as it comes from the original big 3, i'm all for it. Tell me something. Did you have Mark Fields named removed from your ass with a laser or did you have them cross it out when they tatooed the new guys name on the other cheek.
  7. Ok. So why don't they? Because at this point the Mustang is still first loser. I'm sure GT 350 owners will love using that excuse when they lose a race.
  8. You mean the 5 day old depends with the doubled up maxi-pads picture? Yeah please don't............
  9. I seriously think that degenerate had his wang chomped off by the family dog after he tried to have carnal relations with the poor thing. Why do you think he hates dogs so much? Fucker probably has pictures of one-eyed petes on the wall, across from the shitter he has to sit on, to take a piss all the while singing "my ding-a-ling" through the sobs and the tears running down his face. Big johnson, my ass!! No special pudding for you...............
  10. BFD!!! I have a cousin who happens to be in law enforcement, but it doesn't stop me form calling a spade a fucking spade. If you would crawl out from under your " I'm always right even when I'm wrong" fucking rock you might be able to see a little more clearly. But you won't........ Bottom line, That cop doesn't have the ability to tell the difference between a 20 yr old and an 83 yr and is sorely lacking in judgement and problem solving skills all of which makes him a poor candidate for the uniform he wears. No wonder you defend him.
  11. That doesn't mean they have to put up with your condescending attitude. There's plenty of people down here, with money, that will frequent the bars and restaurants and wont act like a complete tool. I'd rather eat Ramen noodles for the rest of my life than deal with a windbag waving his money around.
  12. Can I watch?? I'll give him a good swift kick after you've done all the heavy work. I'll even dress up as a 84 yr old man looking for some trouble.........
  13. i'm planning on going to see it this weekend with my son. Can't wait.
  14. Got SVT doing side jobs now?
  15. Ummmmm....... Didn't the astronauts orbit the earth back in the 60's. Last I knew you couldn't orbit a flat plane, or did they orbit the edge and if so wouldn't they have seen just a line and if thats the case which side of the plane did they come from and why does the sun come up gradually instead of quickly when the plane flip-flops, you know, like a light switch or is it because the plane pivots on an axis which would explain why the shadows move. Maybe?? Idk...... Just wondering
  16. Spectacular vids CKF!! That last video was hilarious....
  17. OMG!!!! I just watched that movie the other day and thought there's a certain awful truth to the whole thing. USA and Freedom sledder for the win....... "Where'd you get your degree? Costco...............................
  18. Well mines been in the family for over 50 yrs, was given to me by my father and shoots spot fucking on. Any time you want to come stand in front of it let me know. Dumb ass....
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