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Everything posted by f7ben

  1. No , Iran has not launched any missiles at US airbases in Iraq before today.
  2. Damn man.....you just missed it
  3. Yup....Trump started a war for zero reason. Shocker
  4. Omg what a great day Beautiful chuckeye steaks that will rival any piece of meat costing twice as much!!!! 1.5" thick beauties
  5. Are you fucking retarded? The same people here who's brains work now absolutely lost their shit over this then. Dumbfuck
  6. Look man....I dont like what the banks are doing but you have to understand that Trump is draining the swamp and stuff and the media is bad. That Iranian general had a hand in 9/11 and killed millions of US troops in WW2. So if the fed needs to print a few dollars to keep our soldiers safe then GO TRUMP MAGA!!!!
  7. The big 3 arent lending any money to the euro banks. Collapse in imminent
  8. mandate.....that's like grinder right?
  9. I'm just trying to figure out under what mandate they are allowed to do this?
  10. Fed injections into the repo market last night. Oversubscribed and out of control Fed claimed it was all year end tax driven tightening. What's the excuse this time
  11. Laughed at by who??? You and Derpo and Prolapski you are 3 of the dumbest fucks on this site or any other
  12. No froth , just continued , wild... bewildered amazement at how fucking dumb you are.
  13. The MCs and Woolies and Snakes Just dumb sheep
  15. Man you are just dumb as fuck Do you ever say anything at all? Is just garbled deflecting nonsense post after post. Fucking stupid meatsack
  16. So fucking dumb. It was already posted by one of the meat sacks here. It's like they all get their retarded talking points and facts be damned
  17. You can just say Israel....no need for code words fucko!!!!
  18. Yes its fucking wrong you mindless fucking sheep. It starts with Trump sanctions and his attempts to destroy their economy
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