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Everything posted by hwytohell

  1. I read online that the POTUS elect has offered hilliary the job of, ambassador to Libya.
  2. In two short years, the dem party will have a wave of retirements in con-gress plus the club senate. In the senate the dems have 28 seats to fund an defend , the Repubs have 8.
  3. http://www.usnews.com/news/the-run-2016/articles/2016-11-11/dnc-staff-arrogance-cost-hillary-clinton-the-election-vs-donald-trump
  4. http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/11/us_rep_debbie_dingell_says_dem.html#incart_river_home
  5. Mayor (d)ebozo , must not have any back teeth left to grind.
  6. That would take him out of the way forever, plus the heads of some exploding ...........................................
  7. Did anyone catch the numbers from union members voting for the POTUS elect ?
  8. martha ra(d)ditz, what a media hackaroon.
  9. https://newrepublic.com/article/138624/hillary-clintons-celebrity-feminism-failure
  10. http://nypost.com/2016/11/10/chelsea-clinton-being-groomed-to-run-for-congress/ Web's corrupt daughter will win that seat with votes to spare.
  11. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-aides-loss-blame-231215
  12. brazile, clintoons inc., podesta brothers, pisslousy, washerwomenschultz ,need to be far away from the future dem party. They need a rebuild , rebranding from their dembankster take over.
  13. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/09/dont-mourn-hillarys-loss/
  14. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/11/the_democratic_party_establishment_is_finished_after_trump.html
  15. http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/11/09/trump-won-michigan/93551192/
  16. Agree. The next four or eight years could be very wild. This was a wake up call for both political parties, sadly they are entrenched with the devils.
  17. The dark money henchmen that pull the stings of the dem party will double down. Count on it.
  18. Ford did it for the greater good of the USA an to close the book on tricky dick, This sitting POTUS has much more to lose, legacy - history , party exposure, party healing + unity by not handing out pardons. imo Also, V.P. ass to mouth old crazy joe biden must be kicking himself along with sell out Sen. sanders , after the election results, and the fuckery run of hilliary rotten clintoon. I'm very surprised at the sea of red that poured over the country.
  19. Do you think that the three corrupt clintoons will fade away into the political sunset ? I doubt it.
  20. Look for a pardon at the late hour for , hilliary , mills , mr.- mrs. danger weiner , the shitter server cover-up klan , from the sitting POTUS before 1-20-2017 The dem party player henchmen will not risk having a new A.G . exposing any more dark truths of the insider fuckery, as wikileaks has done. The party will need a clean slate, for a renewal.
  21. http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/11/house_democratic_leader_steps.html#incart_river_home
  22. http://qz.com/831141/2016-presidential-election-results-how-hillary-clinton-blew-it/
  23. Weed in 10 years will be a non issue in about every state but Utah. Elected pols can see tax revenues to burn.
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