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Everything posted by SmeeAgain

  1. I certainly hope so. The money we would save not attempting to stop it and putting people in prison for it would be staggering.
  2. Jupiter Florida. If I had enough coin to live in Jupiter, I'd have a place in a snowy region to visit any time I would like also.
  3. There's just too much money involved in stopping it. A large number of agencies and businesses would lose major coin if it were made legal.
  4. This is no surprise. Trump is up against not only the DNC but the media outlets too. Every time I open MSN, there's an article with a pic of Trump that's distorted or has been taken from a video to get the worst possible pose and next to it a pic of Hillary in the most flatteringly pose possible.
  5. I think normally she would be too. The difference with the wrongful death suit is they would be alleging she did something criminal - this she wouldn't be immune to. This is similar to the people being charged for the flint water fiasco. If the charge alleges criminal negligence, their immunity doesn't cover them.
  6. I would really have thought she would have government immunity, but apparently not. Should be amusing to see a little more squirming from her.
  7. The parents of two Americans killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court Monday against Hillary Clinton. In the suit, Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, claim that Clinton's use of a private e-mail server contributed to the attacks. They also accuse her of defaming them in public statements. Smith was an information management officer and Woods was a security officer, both stationed in Benghazi. "The Benghazi attack was directly and proximately caused, at a minimum by defendant Clinton's 'extreme carelessness' in handling confidential and classified information," such as the location of State Department employees in Libya, the lawsuit said. While no such connection has ever been established, their lawsuit called it "highly probable" that Clinton sent and received information about the activities of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Such information, the lawsuit claimed, "easily found its way to foreign powers" and was then obtained by Islamic terrorists. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/two-benghazi-parents-sue-hillary-clinton-for-wrongful-death/ar-BBvp0gR
  8. Based on fact makes it even better!
  9. As with any radical (Bill Maher come to mind too), they often do have a valid point or two.
  10. I did some looking and found a post after an article about him from the news agency about no photo.
  11. I'll take a flip flopper over a liar.. or is that not what you meant
  12. One of the best ways to improve relations with an other country is to do business with them. When it's financially in your best interest to get along, the BS from the governments will subside.
  13. Great job on that black guy! Damn reporters are always doing shit like this. I really liked how the reporter wouldn't answer the question about the Black Panthers supporting Obama.
  14. I really don't understand this hate for any type of engine design. An engine is simply a air pump. The more air you can get through it the more fuel you can put it and then the more HP you can make. You can do it with displacement, RPMs, or force feed it. EVERY way has its own advantages and disadvantages - no single design is the best for every application.
  15. Saw this earlier. The cop must have known he had a CCP. You don't get one of those if you're a thug. This cop shouldn't have been on the street. I feel really bad for the guy and his family.
  16. I have to believe he was doing a little
  17. This doesn't surprise me. They moved the camaro to the small, lighter chassis that my ATS is on. The ATS handles like a go-cart as being setup as a Cadillac. The ATS promotes reckless driving by the way it drives. I can only imagine how it would handle when it's setup as a sports car.
  18. I saw this video off of MSN the other day. It was a only a small clip of it and the way they showed it, you could easily conclude he dumped the car intentionally. With seeing the whole thing, it was obviously not intentional. Typical MSN!!
  19. Not just the top. Look at how little damage there seems to the corners of the car after bouncing off them. The taillight are crushed a little, but I would have thought there would have been much more damage.
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