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Everything posted by Plissken

  1. Has anyone tried just submitting a FOIA request for the JFK docs? https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/foia_request/form
  2. I wouldn’t say no experience in the energy sector.
  3. Farm and Fleet has it on sale for $6. https://www.farmandfleet.com/products/500577-pepsi-12-pack-12-oz-original-pepsi.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&&blaintm_source=google&gad_source=1&blaintm_medium=pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhNyy-gjF-Y7wljrTtECokr1yUnYR6YqE_B0RNwyWI8dsKAMTg24oakaAjeyEALw_wcB
  4. Car and Driver ranks the Lightning higher than the Cyber Truck.
  5. Looks like Fisker stock is up today, hope Don wasn’t shorting it.
  6. She’ll dismiss Wade and continue the case, likely re-filing the dropped charges with the minor revisions requested. https://www.rawstory.com/amp/fani-willis-2667512952-2667512952
  7. What’s up with Scott McAfee, am I right?
  8. So, are you saying that @NaturallyAspirated is therefore, abnormal?
  9. It was all in his report from over a month ago on page 334, but not surprised you and Charlie are just finding out about it now.
  10. Robert Hur disagrees….
  11. Maybe Elon should be more upset with Abbott and others for exporting such precious commodities to Democratic districts then.
  12. As of 2019, 1.3 million people had top secret security clearance. Buttttt, Biden was only VP…..derrr duRR Durrrr.
  13. Do you any idea how many thousands of classified documents are in the possession of civilians throughout his country right now, none of whom are in any legal peril, nor have they ever been President? I knew you and Carlos were a couple of squid brains but sheesh, you’re hanging onto that word harder than Leo hung onto that piece of floating wood, with similar results.
  14. Of course they are classified if the subject matter is. Nobody is arguing that. Robert Hur can’t refute innocent reasons Joe possessed them but you can? You? Bahahaha!!!! Can’t wait to see you flip out when VP Pence also is not charged, ya jagoff.
  15. What’s the point of even taking notes during a meeting if you can’t possess them once you walk out of the room, ya mook??? Seriously, give your head a shake, you’re just ate up with BDS. In addition to this shortage of evidence, there are other innocent explanations for the documents that we cannot refute. —Robert Hur
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