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Everything posted by BobRoss

  1. What do you guys think of them? I think they will be accepted out west in the mountains first due to the limited range. To be a trail sled, I think it would have to be an extra sled of yours until they figure out charging and battery options. I think they will be perfect as a utility sled or for ice fishing.
  2. Has anyone tried the Maxima stuff? I know they make some quality stuff, but I never hear about anyone running it.
  3. BobRoss

    800 can

    Personally I like to hear a little braaap when I'm sweeping out all the corners.
  4. BobRoss

    800 can

    Sounds like he just didn't want any snowmobiles or unnatural things near his hunting land.
  5. I am thinking of using Klotz. Has anyone here heard of them and will it void warranty?
  6. I couldn't find anything by searching. What oil brand do you guys recommend?
  7. This may be true, but at least they won't have protection for being something they are not. If they are going to enforce their ToC, they should be unbiased about it, otherwise they should not have Section 230 protections. I would prefer them to be unbiased and keep their Section 230 protections.
  8. This article needs to be corrected. It is just a clump of cells...
  9. and in the name of "we have to do anything opposite of what Trump wants just so we can call him a bad man."
  10. Ahhh yes, the group that wants to destroy lower and middle classes and expand the wealth gap by enacting climate policies that would directly hurt these people. How about we do what most sane people want to do and better our technology as consumers and citizens can afford them? lower/middle class cannot afford increased energy cost increase while the wealthy can. Don't you find it weird how the dems say they are for the working class, but everything they do directly hurts the working class and only makes the wealth gap larger? Look at covid, those dumbasses shutdown all the small businesses and forced everyone to shop at mega corporations, when shopping at walmart is probably more dangerous than shopping local. Dems in 2020 pushed for the largest wealth gap in history. All in the name of SCIENCE.
  11. Hilary still blames everyone else besides her for her loss. She still blames Russia and the fake Russiagate that we wasted so much time on. Dems did the same thing as trump, but they did it after he was inaugurated in.
  12. You think that is some type of gotcha, but half the country is not trembling at their knees over this virus. I want you to get your vaccine so you can stop being a pussy so we can get back to living our lives.
  13. Biden lies almost every time he speaks. He literally announced his campaign on a lie. He thinks this is still pre-internet era politics and will say different shit depending on where he is to pander to that location.
  14. It is because they overused it and the word racism has no effect anymore. They really hurt the racism battle by just calling everything they didn't like racist.
  15. This is interesting because the military gives you all sorts of shots. I am genuinely curious what their reasoning is.
  16. I love this believe in science thing the left has. They think they are above everyone else because they believe in everything they are told and never question anything. The reason why people don't want the virus is because it went through testing very fast and in most cases version 1 of anything will have bugs that need to be fixed especially with brand new technology. I will wait for the millions of people to test it before I get it. I don't need to be calling one of those commercial lawyers ten years from now because I took a vaccine that was rushed through. Covid isn't a concern for me, so I am not taking the vaccine anytime soon.
  17. One thing we can say is that it is still mostly peaceful.
  18. That is absolutely crazy that they made it into the capitol. The sun is still up, what will happen on sundown? That's normally when the real shenanigans start.
  19. Yup, hypocrisy, both sides do it when it benefits them. There will probably be a day when the MAGA crowd and Antifa will be on the same side against the greater enemy. Right now, they are both fighting the same people and we might even see it in DC...
  20. Go read a sesame street book. You might learn something. Its not hard to increase intelligence when your IQ is so low. I am sure you can go from a IQ of 1 to 2. You can only go up... I can make up numbers just like you...
  21. Which has nothing to do with protecting you... If you are going to wear a mask, why not wear a mask to protect yourself? Why do you trust society to keep you safe and healthy? Do you look both ways when you cross the street? Even in a crosswalk? Do you trust the driver to see you and stop? Should I smack the junk food out of your hand because it is my job to ensure you are healthy? Should I crush every cigarette out of someone's mouth to keep them healthy? Should I cut the ignition wire on your snowmobile to keep you from possibly getting in a accident? Protect yourself, wear a damn mask to keep you safe if you are concerned.
  22. Trump had more minority vote than any republican in recent time. He gained the minority vote from 2016.
  23. Yes, everyone is welcoming the 47 year politician that has had numerus instances of not only saying racist things, but actually pushing racist policies. What a great change...
  24. I wonder how many people wear their masks day in and day out? I wonder how many people do not properly handle their masks? I wonder if more people are doing more harm than good for themselves?
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