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Everything posted by jdsky

  1. Why only Antarctica? If the Earth is an infinite flat plane as you propose it would extend into infinity in every direction. If true then you could travel in any direction and continue on - forever.... Would not have to be towards Antarctica. But since you say it's impossible why not try it? Reach the South Pole The holy grail of terrestrial exploration, reaching the South Pole is the ultimate prize for explorers and adventurers alike. Cross international data and timelines in a matter of moments by strolling across the points where all lines longitude converge. For those for whom these things are important, there are really two South Poles, the ceremonial and the geographical. You can visit both by foot, car or plane, and can also visit the US Scientific research base, and the Amundsen - Scott South Pole Station. Fly to the South Pole The history, the exclusivity, and the isolation. Join the small handful of adventurers to have checked off the mythical South Pole. Traversing Antarctica in hours by plane with magnificent views, you'll spend 4 whole days camping at the heart of the Antarctic continent. 6-7 Days $51,250 ASK US A QUESTION1-855-369-8288
  2. An infinite flat plane? Jut try to wrap your head around that for a second. This would force you to believe that someone could travel into infinity while still remaining on the face of the Earth?
  3. Why do hardley riders like chrome so much? So they can find the parts easier when they fall off....
  4. It's crazy they are still being labelled as protests. Since when is closing off entire city blocks for months, patrolling them with guns and threatening anyone that steps into the area with bodily harm or death called a protest? These stupid fucks should be given one warning to pack up their shit and leave the area and when they don't send in the National Guard and get rid of their worthless assess once and for all. Cannot believe this shit is still allowed to be taking place but as I said before, these stupid shits vote for these dumbocrat shit birds so they deserve every bit of the shitty outcome's we have been seeing.
  5. These fucking shitbirds that vote for and live in these dumbocrat run cities deserve everything they get. The party fucking ran on a platform of terrorism and defunding police and here we are.
  6. Another thing that grinds my gears: Why do Hardley rider's only ride 50 MPH? Any faster and they can't see where the parts fell off.
  7. What are the yellow lines in the center of the road called? Hardley GPS.....
  8. Why do Hardley riders need to keep getting louder and louder pipes? So they know the bike is running - Loud pipes save starter's lives..... Why is it now acceptable to ride a Hardley with a starter on it? Because the bitch can't kick it over anymore..... When do Hardley riders know when it's time to give up riding on two wheels? Depends...... I'll be here all week......
  9. Used boats are stupid expensive. I sold a 17 year old fishing boat and trailer a few months ago for $500 less than it cost when it was brand new.
  10. Just a white guy that got chopped up. Nothing of interest really.
  11. Oh ya marge, they just found a leg up der in north east minneapolis don't cha know.......
  12. Nice attempt at covering for forum idiots. They really did cast a vote for the ignorant fuck and attempt to defend it every day.
  13. The usual Biden lovers chime in to support their favorite pedophile without a working brain. This is serious shit and its obvious from their responses they have no fucking clue that it is. America is poised and ready for takeover. There is a reason cyber attacks are on the rise, illegal entries are on the rise and the country is all but completely open and vulnerable to foreign terrorists.
  14. Its just MC slinging his shit and hoping he accidentally stumbles upon something coherent. Normal outcome is he ends up eating his shit.
  15. Every Hardley needs go fast parts.... I worked here over the summer while going to college and was grateful for the opportunity as it paid my bills. Learned a couple of things about machining in the process. Also learned that college was the way to go as working in those shops in the heat for 10-12 hour days got old really quick. I managed to avoid the real grunt work like sandblasting parts all day long. Those dumb bastards earned every dollar they made twice over. Got a kick out of riding my Honda into work every day getting the sideways stares from the visiting tourists. Best part was second summer there I was moved into Q/A and got to test run carbs coming off the line. Nothing better than getting paid to ride on a sunny summer day. Even after riding their best modded and tuned rides of that era I never caught the bug to actually own one. Screaming ricer's accelerate like nothing else on two wheels.
  16. Hard to discuss the price of any toy right now. If you can find one get ready to pay over MSRP in many cases. A fucking little aluminum fishing boat with a 30HP outboard is $25k. I should have hung on to the one I sold last fall but would have guessed that the stupid prices people were paying would only get worse.
  17. MC and Snacks, FS dumbocrat pedo joe cocksucking moronic fuckheads and I mean that in the nicest way....
  18. Hope you feel better but so far that has not been the case in my family with phizer. Talking to my dad this morning he said he was hoping the joint pain and body aches go away and he had his second shot nearly 3 months ago now. It sucks when you previously had no issues with joint pain and now suddenly are dealing with it constantly. Doctors will likely just tell him it's normal for his age. My daughter who is 21 and had had her second shot first week of this month has felt like shit ever since. She is incredibly fit but still has a hard time three weeks later completing her normal workouts. She now picked up some sort of virus, covid and strep tests were negative, and cannot shake it two weeks later. Previously common colds or flu would only put her down for couple of days at most. Now it seems her immune system is trashed to those things. No doubt there are quality of life factors at play for many people that have gotten the shot but nobody is talking about it. Instead the shit for brains keep cheering on injecting younger and younger kids with the unproven shit. Twisted as fuck.
  19. Just don't see a recovery in our future as long as the weak minded leadership does zip about our number one enemy. The next deadlier "variant" is likely ready to go if it has not already been released on the world. What's interesting is nobody is even talking about the possibility of this scenario. It's all got my vax and life is grand......
  20. What the fuck is this supposed to mean? In the last election you could vote for one of two major party candidates. One that was not a fucking lifetime politician who spent four years fighting a completely uphill battle to drain the fucking swamps or the other who spent nearly half a century wading around in the shit filled swamps of DC and senile as fuck. You call it loyalty when most considered it casting a vote for the only logical choice. We have what we have because the election was either rigged and stolen or there really are 80 million total fucking idiots in this country. As each day passes I am more convinced that it's the latter. There is clear evidence on this tiny forum every day of brainless dopey gropey supporters singing his praises. They actually believe he is doing a great job. I get most of these stupid fucks cannot help being stupid and weak. They were born this way and could not see past trump's faults or the fact that the media worked 24x7x365 to make sure that is all these shit for brains woke up to for breakfast in the morning and went to sleep with at night.
  21. It would be fucking awesome if they ditch all of this shit from the budget. Cannot wait to see the reactions of the shit for brains that actually voted for these shit for brains political hacks. It is possible the person that is pulling the strings on these puppets can do basic math and knows the gubment cannot possibly fund trillions in infrastructure pork, trillions in public healthcare pork and bailout over a trillion in college debt. The stupid fucks that voted based on these promises definitely need a fucking wake up call to become even more woke than they already are.
  22. The shit for brains in charge have no intention of uncovering the truth behind who fucked the world with covid. Why would they when their shit for brains supporters have no interest in it either.
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