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Everything posted by Crnr2Crnr

  1. Once, and once again for m/c license. His brake lights also never flickered or came on. Do you recall the part about using/reading hand signals when you got your license? Those also weren't utilized in said encounter. So when you encounter an ORV on a public roadway what do you do, turn on your flashers and pull over to the shoulder and give them total right of way? On another note, turn signals also seem 'optional' these days.
  2. Not at all. Never been in an accident in my life. Have had plenty of close calls with other incompetent drivers though, as cited Shall we wager if the guy in the article was sober while driving his ORV on a public road before getting hit by a dump truck? Can you sense my empathy?
  3. If he had put on a turn signal, looked in his mirrors and been oblivious of his surroundings it might have never been an issue. Of course none of that equipment is required on a non-DOT compliant ORV, which was the initial topic of the thread which seems to be illuding you and others. Reading is hard.
  4. I live in Northern Wisconsin and live amongst the brain dead flatlanders that visit us on weekends. You?
  5. Dude, I gave him more than enough room. Why are you so sensitive, menapausal?
  6. Same could be said of cyclists or joggers. Can't recall the last time I went past a bar in Northern Wisconsin or upper Michigan and seen a parking lot full of tractors, cyclists or joggers though. Maybe your observations are different.
  7. Because I've nearly creamed one with my truck from behind because they didn't have any mirrors and cut sharp left across the road from the white line to the opposing ditch line. Full on ABS activated braking. They had just left a bar and were sloppy driving like shit, so my wife (the rational one) said give them room, which I did. Then it happened. She was as or more pissed about it than I was as the dog went sliding into the back seat and the kids had belt marks on them from braking and swerving. The idiots never knew they were almost creamed as they tore off down the trail past the ditch. Imagine if I'd hit them... Imagine how this guy in the dump truck and his minor passenger feel, right now. This isn't the only encounter with an atv/utv/sxs on public roads I've almost had. So yes, I've got an issue with vehicles that aren't DOT compliant being driven bar to bar (which is where you see them congregated) in my travels. Snowmobiles are primarily ridden on trails which are predominantly on private property, not public fucking roads. I don't hate the machines at all, in their intended environment. Savvy?
  8. Oregon acknowledges your effort, and says hold my beer. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/oregon-residents-outraged-by-video-showing-flagrant-shoplifting/
  9. And a follow up article https://jalopnik.com/whats-the-worst-thing-about-driving-in-america-1847636001
  10. What kind of doctorate does this college dropout hold that qualifies him to give medical advise? https://www.google.com/search?q=joe+rogan+education&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&sxsrf=AOaemvK8llesAh3836RanrK4L4ubUI-XAQ%3A1631064328236&ei=CBE4YYXMDbfl5NoPvc65oA8&oq=joe+rogan+edu&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQkQIyCggAEIAEEIcCEBQyBQgAEIAEOg0ILhCxAxCDARBDEJMCOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToECAAQQzoICAAQgAQQsQM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgcIABCxAxBDOg0IABCABBCHAhCxAxAUOgQILhBDUOcGWNsQYN4daABwAHgAgAHIBogBqhGSAQswLjEuMi41LTEuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp none?
  11. Where do the leading Republican scientists (not internet scientists) stand on ivermectin and the current vaccines? The biggest problem from my pov with the virus and the path of returning to normal is that there's not been one particular person in a leadership role the majority of people are willing to trust. Not Trump, not Biden, not the CDC, etc. If covid 19 hadn't occurred during a presidential election year, maybe we'd be in a better place right now. As I see things, we're going to be dealing with this right up until the 2024 election because WE all can't seem to find common ground to minimize the spread and it's mutations. WE are what the virus requires to survive and thrive. Meh, this country is fucked...
  12. Font could be a bit larger. At some point down the road, I intend to make a few people's access rather difficult, purely out of spite. They can get to their property from the boat landing if they don't like it.
  13. dang, I thought this thread was going to be about Vicente
  14. https://www.miningjournal.net/news/region/2021/09/one-dead-after-atv accident/ Can't recall seeing any DOT approved one's the last time I was at a dealership. They must work great for bar hopping though as that's where I see the majority of them locally and traveling back and forth to the UP
  15. Nope, I've decided to encourage those who won't vax to go with the horse dewormer or heartgard for dogs, just to see how it plays out.
  16. no, by all means - please take horse dewormer https://thehorse.com/187168/dont-take-your-horses-dewormer-ivermectin-unproven-as-covid-19-treatment/
  17. Updated info - pistons Going to add the XC 42/44 helix and 180/280 Speedwerx Secondary spring.
  18. IDK why they're still there, but I am also a VICTIM BLAMER
  19. Trying to kill two birds in one weird thread. Anyone else watching the Paralympics? We have been on and off and I give them a lot of credit. Last night Anastasia Pagonis who is blind won a gold medal and set a new Paralympic record in the 400M. Just got done watching the men's basketball which was interesting because there's no slam dunks or goal tending, unlike the freaks in college or the pro-ball because it's pure shooting ability. For curiosity I googled the rules which were interesting... https://iwbf.org/rules-of-wheelchair-basketball/ And.... should people once they reach the age of 66 (fifty years after getting their license the first time) be required to take a behind the wheel (or even a simulator - remember those?) test every eight years to retain their drivers license? Frankly it scares the fucking shit out of me (on a regular basis) seeing people that drive get into and out of their cars (taking forever) then grabbing a walker or in a few cases a wheelchair that can hardly move their legs or feet, which are two essential and necessary tools to actually driving a vehicle (because brake pedal !!!). Not to mention reaction times, vision, memory and general complacency. Of course I realize it will never happen as it would be political suicide - but maybe it should.
  20. so being 'really' Christian is a LOT like being a RADICAL Muslim? does this mean the far right Christians are going to welcome the non-Talliban Afghans that have aided the US military for the past twenty years with open arms, then hand them a gun and a pile of rocks? https://news.yahoo.com/taliban-raped-beat-gay-man-081611760.html America sure is fucking confusing
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