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Everything posted by Crnr2Crnr

  1. https://www.hardcoresledder.com/search/117339/ The gift that keeps on giving... https://www.hardcoresledder.com/threads/who’s-running-bmp-parts-on-the-850.1881319/
  2. Scrolled through the old BBQ pit the other day out of curiosity, found a lovely little tiff between him and turbo Hymie to peruse. Nothing has changed, he still gets triggered at the speed of light.
  3. https://snocross.com/ Eight races, that's it? No Eagle River or Geneva? Do we need to start a go-fund-me page for @fortune46x due to the massive cut in pay? Maybe this means he can actually come north to go riding this winter?
  4. Fastest sleds to 600ft in New England, just ask @Tommcat
  5. That would have made a good 60th anniversary color scheme. But primer Gray
  6. @Deephaven Remember when these were reasonably priced under $5k ? It's not the sellers that are the problem, it's any moron willing to pay a ludicrous asking price. That said I'd happily pay $8k for this sled than a POS b-Last
  7. Btw, the four part series is available on demand on PBS Ken Burns doesn't sugar coat his shortcomings.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/us/philadelphia-chipotle-customer-gun-cashier This seems like perfectly normal behavior.
  9. Fun fact, Ali almost became a Yooper. https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/news/g1687/americas-largest-log-cabin-is-for-sale/
  10. Ugh, aside from the obvious skin malaise, any other internal issues or disorders?
  11. Part 4 is on tonight Recall watching the thrilla in manilla with my dad. Ali and Frazier nearly killed each other in that fight. Yet, Ali kept on fighting. It's also sad how so many around him milked every last bit out of him for their own personal gain.
  12. Doubtful, but anything that can be deep fried also fits the demographic.
  13. That certainly sucks. Has she been to a dermatologist or allergist? Which vax specifically? I ask because our daughter and I both received Moderna and we both have bad allergic reactions to certain stimulants. So far, so good here.
  14. Alledged billionaire... Where's those tax returns? Anyways, in my lifetime I can't recall people (in general) being as fucked up as they seem to be now. This may have something to do with Al Gore inventing the internet but I can't fully prove the correlation.
  15. Red meat eating anti-vaxxers don't eat salads. They do like butter burgers, taco bell and cheap beer though. How dumb are these people?
  16. Or, think about this. In the year zero it's estimated there was 190 million people on this marble. By 1928 the estimated world population was 2 billion and in 2019 we were at about 7.7 billion. That's a lot of mouths to feed, a lot of wattage to produce and a fuckload of people putting pressure on our resources and polluting the environment. Was this rock ever intended to support this many of us driving cars, running the electrical grid and gobbling up the resources? I don't think so. https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-growth
  17. China is 1.415 billion, or 18.5% of global population. India is 1.354 billion, or 17.7% of global population. Using 2018 data here's people per km2 China 148 India 455 US 36 Brazil 25 Interestingly, Canada is only 4 per km2 Clearly, we must invade.
  18. The solution is simple, less fucking people. Problem solved.
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