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Everything posted by akvanden

  1. From none other than.... "DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE," Trump tweeted on Thursday, citing a report from the right-wing One America News Network. Without showing any evidence, he claimed that states using the company's technology had "SWITCHED 435,000 VOTES FROM TRUMP TO BIDEN."
  2. The court cases are public record, no need for msm tainting concern. They could prosecute those people, but those aren't the people you're concerned with, is it? We should be focusing on people with malicious intent - It's not like they voted twice, one from home residence and then a 2nd time using the UPS address. That would be malicious intent.
  3. "On my deathbed, I'd probably just about take anything. I've got the vaccine though, so I don't need to worry about it. (Sarcasm, for your sake!)" But yes, you're correct.
  4. Your right, nothing is ever 100% perfect. On my deathbed, I'd probably just about take anything. I've got the vaccine though, so I don't need to worry about it. (Sarcasm, for your sake!)
  5. You'll be able to find all kind of anecdotal evidence, but until is can be recreated in a controlled environment, there's implicit bias and other uncontrolled variables. Why proponents don't run their own randomized clinical studies (which zinc or any concoction they want) and prove to the world otherwise, is beyond me.
  6. Those types of claims would be much more palatable if the virus was only an issue in the US. Kind of breaks down when other countries experience the same. My wife's a hospital nurse (not sure if that means anything) but she's seen it first-hand here in the Twin Cities.
  7. I read the affidavit, and yes, it does seem concerning. Was this one of the cases Trump took to court?
  8. The study from 2005 wasn't tested on the COVID virus in real people. Here some that were though. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2772922 https://twin-cities.umn.edu/news-events/university-minnesota-trial-shows-hydroxychloroquine-has-no-benefit-over-placebo If you have some randomized double blind clinical studies that show otherwise, I would be interested (and I'm not being a smartass). Otherwise, I'd argue it's highly debatable. Fauci in March 2020, at the very beginning of this ordeal. Can you blame him, before knowing the outcomes of the clinical trials?
  9. Generally it's helpful to post where the information came from. I can post all day long things that my uncle told me, or just "general" statements, but that's how misinformation spreads, from both sides.
  10. The beauty of debate, hopefully through facts we can all learn more together.
  11. I'm pro-choice, which I've states several times. Don't get if it you don't want it. I'm not pro-misinformation though, which is where the friendly dialogue begins.
  12. Again, hydroxy was proven ineffective in multiple random double blind clinical studies, both in the US and abroad. I'm happy to link to all of them if you'd like to read the unbiased results. Yes, I know they're safe drugs, cheap, and have been around forever, but that doesn't mean it cures cancer, or COVID in this case.
  13. I assumed, based on the negativity, calling people "sheep", other explatives, that people were pretty entrenched and had made up their minds. Glad to hear otherwise though!
  14. What's being alleged, other than we don't like/trust someone?
  15. And here I thought everyone had already made up their mind and thought it was a farce. Glad to hear glad to hear you're still hopeful for it - maybe we'll see some hopeful posts sometime soon.
  16. How many threads have been started casting doubt on the vaccine. How many threads have been started casting doubt on other "treatments?"
  17. Those aren't clinical studies. Those timelines also coincide with mass availability of vaccine, and summer/warm weather (which you guys are keen on pointing out).
  18. Is there an allegation in here of what they did? "they're there so something happened" doesn't count.
  19. I'm all about it if it is proven effective. It seems like that's the biggest difference - I hope these types of things work, other hope vaccines don't work.
  20. 135k sample ballots that were used as a test in their first ever attempt at choice ranked voting, which they immediately caught. Lots of similarities to general elections... Exactly why this was all shot down in court, because they used this type logic ^ I won't find anything on the Wisconsin 5 unless I stray into the websites you visit, that use the above type of logic. But if you'd like to post the details on it, I'm sure we could go down the rabbit hole.
  21. And yet if ivermectin was proven in a clinical trial to work, you'd be all over it.
  22. Just give us a bit of evidence so we can believe with you. NY - are you just randomly claiming sample ballot votes made it into the general election last November? WI - again, if someone did have absentee ballots, they must be or must have done nefarious things with them?
  23. Ignore MSM, just read the randomized double blind clinical studies. They're called the golden standard for a reason.
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