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Everything posted by Rod

  1. whether he exists or not isn’t the point
  2. Government is also their scapegoat for their shitty lives they look to government to tell them how to act and what to think.
  3. Yeah I came to that realization a while back. It explains a lot of things.
  4. The left replaced the idea of god with the idea of government. That’s why they crave government control so badly.
  5. Lol nice shot at ThpinnyVan there
  6. Both parties are trash But murder? Nope
  7. Talked to my cam guy in Florida today and it sounds like gay masks ar the only thing they have to deal with but there’s no fines for it
  8. He really only mentioned republicans to keep toe the line a little better
  9. DMX was a big deal then he just kinda turned into a retired govt employee that only has a 15 year old used minivan
  10. Biden wished everyone merry Christmas yesterday
  11. It’s just a typical mild respiratory illness. Could be a flu it’s just a coronavirus this time turn off the news and focus on a hobby you like
  12. It’s gotten to the point that a man may go to jail because of a false media narrative
  13. Rod

    Fuck MLB too

    So Georgia is making voting more like it is in Canada?
  14. A choice he made. Actions have consequences
  15. What does that make you into comparison to trump then oops
  16. I had a great murderfloof before. Thing would go murder anything it could find then come inside and give you a hug
  17. The left considers MLK’s ideas to be dangerous now MJK is a loser
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