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Everything posted by lastzrt

  1. Have a customer who owns a new Vette. He does put it away in the winter though. Drives his CTS-V for a winter car...
  2. My trail permit on my Crosstrek looks like that after I mucked it on this year. Bought a mid height wind shield for a new El Tigre 6 when I picked it up thinking the bikini windshield and hand guards would be coming off for sure. I left the windshield right on the new sled seat sitting in the shop. Wife thinks she can do a better job of sticking the permit on and goes ahead and sticks it right on the bikini windshield... Bright side is she did do a great job of getting it on with nary a wrinkle.
  3. For Christmas my son got the CKX Titan he was ogling in the dealership every time we went in. Got it for him against my feelings regarding some less than stellar reviews on the 280 goggles that come with it. ie fogging and leaking air. He has been out now quite a bit now in sub -15c and has had no problems whatsoever, even on the new El Tigre with a low shield. He likes every thing about it so far, much more than the modular full he was wearing last year. He installed his helmet speakers in it last night, so I know it must be a keeper. Kid needs a bigger Tekvest than the youth model he has now, if anyone has or knows of one for sale.
  4. Hey Tim. I found the original tool kit for the little Yammy . If you are sledding over my way stop in if you like and get it. It's on the counter in the shop if no one is home. Cheers, Todd
  5. lastzrt

    Sled Rentals

    Canadian Tire in Huntsville will always have a nice selection of rainbow painted snowshoes for you
  6. lastzrt

    Sled Rentals

    We had neighbors at the Blue Spruce last Feb. who were from Pennsylvania . They were a very experienced sledding couple. They had reserved two sleds from this company well in advance.. Upon pick up day they were given a two up sled and told all other sleds were broke, and they would have them next day. Each morning they stopped back in to the company and were told sorry no other sleds available. All week run around. Felt really bad for them. The old bugger could really wheel that sled around too, but his wife was obviously not enjoying the bitch seat at all.
  7. We put my son's Z120 on the deck on Christmas eve when he was 4. After he thought all the presents were opened, we asked him to let the cat in. He literally did an involuntary head butt into the glass door when he looked out ! Boy has not been right since:) Thankfully there was snow because half hour later he was out doing laps around the back field. Now at 14, he still has the bug. He has burnt tow tanks of gas this week and I haven't made it out of the yard yet.
  8. My fishing crew. Have not moved from the bow cushion for over a year.
  9. Booger. 2002 Tblazer LTZ 340000 kms. Only got it drive it to work and back daily, 80km round trip. Bought it for $500 bucks four years ago with 275000 kms on it. Best heated leather sets ever! CTS-V only comes out on bluebird summer days.
  10. Just got back from a week at the Blue Spruce. Man did we hit right, perfect conditions all week.
  11. lastzrt

    Flood Control

    It's no secret. I am in complete admiration of your total lack of shame in posting constant and repetitive drivel on a snowmobile website. The crying for attention is rather unbecoming for a man of your obvious literary skills. I bet there is a Corvette forum, a boat forum and an "I am a complete stud" forum where the Puzzler struts his stuff constantly as well. It all must pretty well fill in the meaningless hours of your all too obviously lonely days. Not trying to belittle you guy. Just want to let you know there is help out there for people like yourself.
  12. lastzrt

    Flood Control

    I also feel that Poncho is an unknowing Puzz enabler. With a little group intervention we can help him see the spiral of lunacy he is contributing to.
  13. lastzrt

    Flood Control

    I have a delivery driver that reminds me of Puzzler. He is kind of a cross between Rain Man and Captain Obvious. I remind myself and his fellow employees that everybody has a place in this world. It helps me to deal with his idiocy's by considering it as free daily entertainment. This alone has helped stop me from striking him with a hammer and thus jeopardizing my own station in life and also the well being of my family.
  14. https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Famsnow.com%2F~%2Fmedia%2Fimages%2Farticles%2Fsled-tests%2Farctic-cat-2018%2Fearly-release%2Fac2018_er04.jpg%3Fmw%3D750&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Famsnow.com%2Fnews%2Fsnowmobile-news%2F2017%2F01%2Farctic-cat-early-release-2018&docid=396KH9B97tZqaM&tbnid=69RAfx28Q9r0zM%3A&vet=1&w=750&h=536&client=safari&bih=729&biw=1024&q=2018 zr 8000&ved=0ahUKEwiB-YjgsPrRAhXl24MKHacDDDwQMwiQAShjMGM&iact=mrc&uact=8
  15. When I start up dropping f bombs my son knows to duck for flying tools. When my wife starts swearing, he truly knows he is in deep shit!
  16. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  17. One thing I learned growing up in a family owned farm equipment dealership was to never judge a potential customer by the cover. You could be very surprised by the buying power of some rather innocuous looking country folk. I also attended many trade shows a year for a long time. Usually it was a sales person from a local dealership, forced by his boss to be there working on a weekend, that could end up being callous, indifferent, or a complete asshole. Most often representatives from the actual manufacturer were quite professional and personable when working a show. I should add, we also sold Arctic Cat snowmobiles at our dealership. Those customers you could peg a mile away, dirty oil covered purple coats, leather hats, and guaranteed to be an asshole.:)
  18. Hey, Odot, Just remind her that all cops are not assholes either! Would be nice to know if he was a salesman from a Canadian Regal dealer (most likely) or a rep from the company Regal itself.
  19. Edited. I dislike hacking a for sale post. I am sure this is a great deal, just a poor example of a Canadian is selling it.
  20. If you currently owned and were riding a Baguette it would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.....
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