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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. My narrative fell apart? You dumb fuck I agree with you. If mine fell apart so did yours. My original post on this thread was simply that the death rates are much lower than is being reported. See one can say. "The death totals from Covid are bad" and also say "abortion numbers are even much higher....we should do something about them too."
  2. All deaths are relevant and when states must put clauses in their fetal homicide laws to protect abortion Doctors....they are more than little spots of goo. Why is that Ben that our fetal homicide laws have exemptions.....surely can't be because the fetus isn't thought of as a human life. Can't charge someone with murdering a little spot of goo as you put it. Have a nice day fuckhead.
  3. Why do you and Ben immediately go to the gay anal stuff......oh never mind I know why. You two should just get together once and for all. Pee Stain is Joe Exotic in this. Ben is the one in the back. Who is the toothless one in the front from here?
  4. And will not change no matter the system of govt or type of economic system. The difference is the more free a country is the more they have earned it.
  5. All bicyclists should die. Well the ones on county roads that think they own the fucker at least.
  6. Advantages that come from being wealthy only matter when its not them that have the advantage.
  7. Reality is the entire US has handled this extremely well. Yes even NYC. Doesn't take away from the serious nature of what has and will still happen but considering projections and comparisons to other equally populated regions of the world we are doing very good. GB, F, I, S and G have basically equal population of the US by 3x's the deaths. Bravo Mr. President and thank God for a private HC system.
  8. Backtracked how? Are the abortion figures I posted wrong? My stance on abortion has never wavered you mentally fucked douche-bag. I've also commented a number of times at keeping the Covid-19 numbers in perspective vs other causes of death in the US.
  9. Well when you consider there are about 100K abortions every year in NYC Covid will look pretty tame.
  10. Ben is correct here. In 2017 53,806 people died in NYC. That's 147 per day ave. https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/vital_statistics/2017/table31c.htm
  11. IDK. Lots of real life murder shows. Its on right now.
  12. All things considered I'd say ahead of the curve.
  13. Watched a documentary on him. Not sure there has been a more psychotic individual ever in the US. Killed 93 women. Extremely intelligent...drew accurate pictures of all of them from memory decades after. Pure evil.
  14. Well I don't sit on here and read every post like you no life people do.
  15. His would have been more with all he was promising. He was promising way more than other countries offer you fucking jackass.
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