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Everything posted by MichiganMarcus

  1. If an 18 year old kid was not forced to go over there why would they?. By 74 we all knew the war was a lost cause and we were fighting for nothing.
  2. There may even be kickbacks. I would speculate, if we knew the real story we would be disgusted.
  3. I have one sitting out back, has not been used in almost four years. I think the tires are dry rotted but have not even looked. Maybe I should start a collection.
  4. Criminals come in all shapes sizes genders and colors.
  5. The clintons must be pissed. If only she had won. They then could have used the foundation to steal a billion dollars much like they did in haiti.
  6. It is stupid to think we could deport so many. Doing so would create chaos. However we do need to deport any that have committed a felony. This includes any that are here legally that have committed a felony. when a person enters legally they do so with the understanding that they will not be involved in any criminal activity. The contract to live work and get on a path to citizenship makes this clear. We can forgive those that came illegally, and give them a chance, but if we do so, the border must first be sealed as best as we can do so. that would include a wall with staff to monitor it. We can afford to do it, and it could easily be done, all of this that is, if the idiots in washington could use logic instead of using the issue to divide our nation. Trump played the political game with it, creating a further divide and shutting down a rational discussion on the issue. The dems have done the same. Any sane intelligent person could understand that we cannot round up and boot out millions of people, the majority of which are productive honest people. The answer is easy, seal the border and help those already here that are not criminal to become citizens, then rid ourselves of any immigrant from any country, that commits a felony.
  7. Well you quoted me, so I assumed you read it. Anyhow, it would seem we agree. Is 75% of your workforce illegal, because we are not discussing legal immigrants that just so happen to be from latin america.
  8. It would not shock me to see a republican majority being held. lazy voters being told daily it is a lock for dems will stay home, the other side being told they are going to lose their president if they lose the house, well they may get off their collective asses and vote in droves. If the dems lose both houses they might as well just shut the fuck up and go home.
  9. This is very true, except even those with a strong mind, if exposed to enough media bias in any direction, will eventually buy in to some or all of what they are being bombarded with.
  10. Is that not what I said. You cannot make them citizens right away. With no clear way to know exactly how long they have been here it is unfair to those legal and waiting the five years to apply for full citizenship. They must start from the beginning, first being permanent resident aliens and then after the five years becoming citizens if they desire to.
  11. Sorry but that is the same as an open border. Walk in and become legal by default is not a border at all. The only solution is to seal the border, document all that are now here, remove those that have a felony, document and give status to those without, providing a path to citizenship for them with the same rules as any other that has been granted permission via a green card. We do have the resources to do this.
  12. I do not for one minute buy into the premise that illegal aliens pay more into the system then they cost. |But, lets assume they do. They are still illegal. We have laws regarding how and when a person may enter, stay and work here. When we fail to uphold these laws we have created a new class of resident. this benefits nobody and places the nation at risk. Any politician saying they want to protect these people is not being honest. They are simply using the issue as a political wedge. When was the last time we saw a bill being presented in the house to open our borders and allow anyone that want s to enter in. Never is when. Immigration is great, it built our nation and continues to support its progress today. Legal immigration that is, not a massive flow of people simply walking in without permission. The border must be secure if we want a nation.
  13. He should have left it and joined primus.
  14. SS is there for the working poor
  15. Prayers for those effected and hoping everyone gets out safely.
  16. true, and better than what we would have had with the alternative....BUT, still a person that has no business in the white house. Over 300 million people and these three were the best we could find in past 17 years. it would seem, honest intelligent leaders are simply not interested in politics.
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