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ArcticCrusher last won the day on May 19

ArcticCrusher had the most liked content!

About ArcticCrusher

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  • Location
    Parry Sound, Vaughan, ON


  • Current Sled
    2019 Polaris 850 Indy XC

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  1. But that didn't happen and there was no question about. Stay Stupid Stheve.
  2. It's laughable they actually think they're the normies. Most see through the sham.
  3. He was just following the science. Fiction that is. Now the science has amnesia.
  4. Too bad the vax doesn't cure tds.
  5. Have you met Stupid Stheve and Deepfaggot? They don't see nothing ever.
  6. He can't do shit unless its scripted. But he got 81 million votes. What a complete fool you are.
  7. Why would anyone want 4 more years of Biden? Name one thing he's done better than Trump?
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