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Couples who drink together…..

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Enjoy having a few drinks with the GF, always a good time 

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The wife and I don't drink together as often as I do with the boys, but when we do .... it's great!  Last week in the Dominican was awesome!!

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I don’t drink, the wife might have a drink with her family once a year.

Been together for 33yrs 

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  I thought it  was interesting and have always said. 
We are kind of local socialites and hang with like minded people. Definitely,  been my experience. 
At weddings, I see couples who rarely drink together. Having drinks and next thing you know they are dancing together, pawing all over each other like teenagers.  

Everyone should hang with their spouse at least once a month. Take her out, wine and dine her, bang the hell out of her!  

My marriage advice. :lol:

Been together 33 years also. 


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