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Justin Trudeau is Doing a Great Job


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"LET'S BRING IT HOME"  new slogan :lol: 


PP says Trudeau didn't give enough money for health, then continues  to say that he also will not give enough money.

No wonder he doesn't like any News reporters as they post what he says 


PP is a joke but very good at being one



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True North see victory

PP slams Trudeau that to retire you need million dollars

Trudeau replies "that is why we gave back OAS cuts you made to seniors"  :lol: 

How True North sees this as PP victory is a wonder but maybe like the sheep followers they don't watch the video either




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More government debt in this administration then any government spending added together in past years.

whos going to pay for this? Ohhh we know the budget will balance it self 

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38 minutes ago, toslow said:

He didn’t say nothing that you indicated, you’re such a fucken bullshitter 

PP is not in charge of Provincial Health Care he says HE will put more money to Emergency Wards.



Which one are you for? 



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6 minutes ago, toslow said:

More government debt in this administration then any government spending added together in past years.

whos going to pay for this? Ohhh we know the budget will balance it self 

:dunno:  remember when we used to say that about WYNNE while Harper ran second most debt and now ignore Doug Ford spending more in 5 years that any Premier in history - 


Lets remove covid spending and be honest about the debt than we can talk


Harper average 15billion deficit every year in office

Mulroney average 33.5 billion deficit every year in office

Creitien average 9 billion PLUS every year in office

Trudeau aveage 19 billion every year in office (no covid )


I think ONEWAY voters are not very educated in Politics 

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PP suggesting a round up of 40 people in Vancouver that are responsible for all crimes.

It will be a clean sweep and they will be locked up NO BAIL NO TRIAL NO RELEASE.

Problem solved.

Released today video to come...


somehow these people EACH were arrested 150 times in one year :lol:  that is every other day, released and rearrested :lol: 

OKAY PP enough with the bullshit

Edited by 1trailmaker
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Keep on eye on PP eyes they look to the ground once he starts into his rant of hate and lies.

He isn't speaking with confidence to the reporters he is repeating his slogan practiced rant.

body language on PP is huge


Still don't know how 40 people in on area can get arrested every other day,  this is 20 arrest a day I assume the police paper work must be massive....

What fucking bullshit he spews - 


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As PP tosses numbers out that would shock a home owner fails to say what is the total revenue of Mushrooms a month, if you are making millions of dollars on mushrooms your overhead isn't as high as it is being falsely stated by PP


Shock the people with numbers that seem high to the average person


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What a great day and age we live in.

You can get millions to listen to your lies with relative ease unlike anytime in history.


Here we have this women talking about digital IDs (who is she? doesn't matter she is cute and that sells lies)

You won't be allowed in to buy food without it :lol: 


Personally having 1 ID to drive my car, passport, healthcare all in one is a bonus I don't see it any other way.

Tracking :lol:  



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