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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. It's only working on paper. Those "40 million who otherwise wouldn't have it" have about a 60% default rate in their premiums causing the others rising premiums that are falling just under what they couldn't afford in the first place. And with states still trying to get their funds from the feds on it to pay fees and insurers, well....it's going south quickly. Sorry (and I truly am) but, IT IS NOT WORKING.
  2. Nice article. Feinstein, Warren, and Clinton remain as the #1 threat to our country's freedom. The quotes coming out of those camps after they fucked up their own gun ban wishes where absolutely astonishing to me. "Either you are with us (the Dems), or you are for the terrorists." "The GOP has decided to sell guns to the terrorists". Amazing.
  3. They are all over the south and I must admit...they know how to cook some chicken. Good stuff. Everytime one opened up they needed police directing traffic...it's good *bit not that good to wait hours for it). None up here where I live. And IDGAS, I prefer Taco Bell anyway.
  4. And I'm sure these numbers aren't being manipulated at all because of this election year and Obama's exit. It's easy to say they are spending less than expected because they are. And they are doing it by delaying hundreds of millions of dollars to states and insurance companies prompting lawsuits against the government and insurance providers dropping out of state funded plans. Also, it is putting states in a big mess too by having to fund something they are supposed to get reimbursement for...and are not or it is coming much later than expected...or being promised it will. Now, it's sad that this isn't working...but nobody really expected it too. A shoddy unsupervised plan forced down the throat of the citizens. But, hey, at least it's a start...maybe we can learn what not to do now and I still applaud Oafbama for at least putting his eggs in a basket and doing something he promised...fucked up or not..at least he did something about our piss poor healthcare in America.
  5. Three years ago I had a large group of sledders pass me and the first half dozen or so where opening and closing their hands rapidly....I didn't know what that meant but apparently it was giving me a count....5+5+5+3 or whatever. After I passed the whole group each and all trying to give some type of count to me while controlling their sled, that was the beginning of the end for me...we've officially reached "crazy stage" when the courtesy of letting someone know how many are behind you is more important than maintaining control. Enough is enough with that stuff.
  6. Yep. Couldn't agree more. I'm not doing it any longer. And if it makes me an "ass" for being more concerned at keeping my sled COMPLETELY under control so we pass each other safely, then so be it. Just assume I have someone behind me....even if they are Waaayyy back there. And any of you teaching your young kids to signal while they try to control a vehicle that weighs 6-8 times more than them, need a little "hand signal" themselves. HANDS ON THE FUCKING POST!!!!!!
  7. Oh I know. And while most Americans are unaware of the real numbers and the reality of it, it's getting hard not to look around anymore and ask "What the hell....?" It's the Dems building up their voting base and doing so successfully. Problem is, they need the working mans money to continue their "sponsorship drives"....you know...the Union workers who keep voting for the Dems. And of course, everybody else that gets wicked up into it. But the Union guys that continue to vote dem are what facinates me. They are the left wing's equivalent to the Right-wing religious nut jobs. Sadly, corporations are getting a bit sick of it and the benefits of heading out the door with their jobs is starting to look like a pretty good idea for what is left here. Oh, but the Dems will FORCE them to stay to save jobs......
  8. No, he is not. That little "rabbit hole" goes much deeper I'm afraid. I got your back Mainey!
  9. Hell, best we can all tell, the vast majority were either registered Dems or had Dem ties, going to kill their own. No wonder we cannot get anything passed. Maybe the Dems should start their own gun rights lobby. Or, maybe we should put them all on the terrorrist list...let's face it, they are doing more damage than good anyway. Clinton and Trump... a big "thank you" from the rest of us to all the crybaby liberals. Well done knott heads!
  10. Ahhh....yes. The American public sending money to their political choice.....what a noble........................and COMPLETELY WORTHLESS gesture.
  11. I know, it's all the republicans fault. But to me, honestly, its just another Democratic "blame game" for their complete incompetence and inability to get anything done. They are like children throwing a temper tantrum on the senate floor. Nobody cares anymore. They cannot and will not compromise and that is exactly what politics are about. COMPROMISE FOR THE GREATER GOOD.. And the Dems refuse to do that...THEY WANT IT ALL. And they will never get it. That's not how it works. But it does seem to work well with a seemingly large enough population of blamers and whiners that they can get enough votes to stay in office. Sadly, their astonishing ineptness still renders them limp. But hell, if they got everything they wanted, who could they blame then? Whose fault would it be? I'm sure they'd come up with something. And THAT is why nobody really wants to give them anything.
  12. Something people need to remember when they are buying an "AR-15" is that it is a platform. It can be configured in tons of different way and all parts under that platform are interchangeable. Barrels, stocks, keys, carriers, bolts, pins, lower and upper receivers, etc....and all the goodies you want can be added or taken away or changed. In other words, build your own personal Frankenstein to suit you. Hell, I've lost track of all the different names of parts on mine.
  13. Here sweetie, let me help as I've seen that phrase misconstrued more than a few times here: The phrase "well-regulated" referred to a proper fighting militia that was functioning as expected. Establishing any government oversight of the militia was never the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was to render the government powerless to do so. There, please pass that along and now we can end that confusion.
  14. Whew, right now it's my current RR but my miles on it are sadly limited so I don't even know if I've got it set up perfect yet. But if I had to go back I'd say I really fucking liked my Rev. Had a lot tied up in suspension work and I could throw that thing around like nobody's business. My XRS after that was pretty sweet too but for some reason I never quite got it feeling as comfortable as my REV. Not to mention working on the REV was MUCH easier. I had a ton-o-fun on my other sleds too but once you go rider forward, well, it's a whole different playing field.
  15. They manus had to but there was already so much in circulation that it really didn't do much other than jack prices up to ridiculous levels. Gun shows were making it hand over fist for pre-pan items and I think I dumped 40 or 50 thirty round AR-15 mags for a bundle. The two AR-15's I bought just before the ban for $550 each went up to $2k each (I kept them anyway). As for the main topic, I've put my .02 in on this earlier. There have been some state (NE?) legislation that has been passed requiring all gun owners to register their weapons. Big no show. It was a joke. Any type of legislation that the lib-tards pass will meet with the same success. And like I posted in the last similar thread, the phrases "come and get them" and "...cold dead hands." Will be of a less than funny statement. The government does not have the power or resources to instigate such a foolish endeavor. But, I'm not so sure they wouldn't try. So, COME AND GET THEM! And bring a lot of fucking body bags.
  16. IMO, it's nice when all sides can converse a bit (and still take jabs from one another) without this turning into some ridiculous, ignorant political shit-show from a few that cannot help themselves. I "ignored" somebody for the first time yesterday since I've been on any forum in ten years, and it instantly made this place better. I guess let's not get all nuts every fucking thread if we don't have to. Although, some craziness is always welcome...and preferred!
  17. I think the mistaken definitions of laws have become to "protect" citizens. They do not. At best they may help protect but ultimately what the law provides for (loosely) is justice; punishment for the perpetrator and retribution for the victim. However, if the perp could care less about the "punishment" or is willing to take his chances with the court process, the victims aren't safe and never will be. That's where we are now I think as a nation, we are seemingly being indoctrinated as victims from birth and as victims, we are awaiting retribution and reverse protection from the government. It's not there....it cannot be there. Point? Let's all stop acting like a god damned victim. Case in point: 100 people were either shot, injured or killed in this latest "hoo-rah"....by ONE FUCKING PERSON. ONE. And a week later we have not heard a story of a single bar goer could muster up the courage or leadership to stop him. Victims just accepting their fate and awaiting rescue. Seemingly this goes more hand in hand with the Liberal side of things.
  18. Or, when did we start finding it in any way acceptable. Hmmm....philosophical. And now...here are your two choices America...rat poison or cyanide. Choose wisely...or not.
  19. Actually, the "drunky" hasn't done anything illegally, but it is determined they probably will be doing something soon. Hence the refusal. He's not "drunk in public" while he is in the establishment. And I'd certainly bet that most are perfectly "normal" when purchasing fire arms. Unless they are complete fools without any plan at all. And it appears, most have a plan. It also appears, the gun shop shot up warning signs about this guy and also did refuse him some sales. So...
  20. I don't "believe" he has the right to refuse the sale...I KNOW he does.
  21. I agree. And technically, I'm one of them. Something needs to be worked out, and something eventually will be. But I don't like one side or the other blaming all this shit on their opposition for political posturing. There is a reason it didn't "fly" and to go on record with careless and dangerous remarks deceiving the public ON PURPOSE should be criminal.
  22. Because it is a "all or nothing" scenario for the Dems. And as long as the media is willing to mildly wash it as the Republicans fault, they have nothing to lose. Vilifying the competition has worked for them for 8 years. Nobody in their right mind changes things that are working well.
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