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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Ok...I must be misunderstanding what you mean? I guess I don't know how your "kill ratios" are being calculated. Do you mean total enemy killed? A typical kill ratio is how many dead on the "bad side" vs. how many dead on ours (I know....not meaning to insult you though). I think that total is around 35:1 since 2003 in the Iraq/Afgan theater? Not sure. And not sure what the left alone Afgan kill ratio is at all. It's probably considerably more accurate though. Since the dead are easier to "kick". Not sure what meme you are talking about. You kinda lost me on this one..but that's cool. I'll see if I can find the episode. And I have to check but didn't we already pass that resolution? Or did O just say we were leaving and didn't quite get there? I'm fuzzy on that.
  2. That's kinda what I got too. He knows what is going on....but rooting for your team with prejudice means turning your eyes away from things you don't want to see or believe. I can see and smell the smoke in DC from my house..
  3. Well of course. But I don't read aloud while I type, so this isn't really that enjoyable.
  4. JESUS! Did you just make those numbers up for "dramatic effect"? Yes, let's go with that. Are you insane or just really giddy abut something this morning? I'm not going to do some math for you to show you the level of "kooky" those numbers really are...you can do that. Kill ratios have been officially "nixed" as a reasonable means of measuring success after Vietnam (for obvious reasons). It still a macho thing for Americans to boast about....but pretty irrelevant. Those numbers are always gonna be high since we own the air in any conflict. And 50% is super duper relative. Our enemy over there is not a traditional massive force. Don't get me wrong either...the amount of soldiers there doesn't belie their quality. The percentage and quality of highly trained soldiers left (and rotating) there now is way better than the massive buildups of years past which in a large part were basically trained forces and support troops. My point was, whatever "mission" these guys are trying to accomplish is being hindered by a poor supporting cast here in DC. And now that the "Ruskies" are digging in...we should leave it to them. It's their "backyard" and they don't have near the "Tom Fuckery" going on there as we do here. They are better lead and don't allow liberal "twattery" to inflict damage internally.
  5. Modern twins reaching close to or more hp than the triple without the weight and 33% less rotational mass and moving parts. The old triples just fell out of favor with most of the public and all of the manufacturers. It'd still be neat to have a special limited edition come out, one from each of the manus. It'd be a limited build and prolly a ridiculous price, but I'd bet they'd sell as long as the build was limited. This would probably only happen only if the manus wanted a "no or low profit" machine.
  6. No, Hillary is an extreme racist. But she likes their voting power! But, that is none of our business.......................
  7. Why do you think what she wants him to do is the way he is going to do it? And why the fuck would anyone care (short of the weird Dems of course...for some bizarre reason)? Who gives a shit? If it's legal, then it's legal. Period. And certainly, if it is "borderline", then it can't be any closer to the border than the Clinton's shit. NO FUCKING WAY...and Trump doesn't have the crooked Obama Administration in his pocket, so...he's definitely further on this side of legal and ethical than that corrupt lying bitch. And let me ask you this; don't you think if the Obama/Hillary administration could take Trump down by now for something illegal, they would have? Something tells me our government resources are working overtime on that little project. You know, "fair and transparent" democracy. Or wait...maybe it has something to do with Russia? Of course....so does the Clinton foundation. Good grief already! Clinton supporters are complete hypocrites and immoral locusts. Hey Vince...how about sending me your tax returns? No? Why not? Ok, so......If there is anything else I can help you with, just let me know.
  8. A true blue American right here. I prefer my Keurig nowadays. Stupid easy, fast and decent brew.
  9. Yeah, but ISAF was NATO coalition idiocy, but still with a somewhat clear mission (if not maybe all legit). And even if it wasn’t, the forces reached over 160k under Bush, not the woefully inadequate and paltry number there now under Obama. Which, is much easier to command and control. As far as "turnover" goes, in the history of the US military, never has there been such an exodus of high ranking military officers. (General or Admiral level). Not only that, but the overall numbers of officers “squeezed” out or a popular term is “purged” under Obama is again at a ridiculously high level in our military history. The point I am trying to make (and make earlier in my posts) is that Obama is a woefully inadequate leader who has shown little or no respect at all for the military officers in which he commands, and, in return, is given the same appreciation. This is why his turnover in that region is higher than it should be….and not exactly all reported accurately either. This administration is looking for a “specific” brand of military agent. And they are having a helluva hard time finding one that will continue to work (obey) as they desire against their oaths and war knowledge/instincts. And that last line you had up there that I put in BOLD. YEP! Unless of course, you are a valued member of the current political "regime".
  10. Oh, my bad, maybe you are right. I guess I wonder why so many generals have presided over that area under Obama? Isn't it a bit more than usual in that position?
  11. No, I don't understand military assignments at all. It all just seems a bit bewildering to me.
  12. Whew...that little tidbit will be "round filed" immediately! Did you see that look on her face when he answered? Almost like..."Well, he's going off of our script we gave him!" And I'm sure that is exactly what he did. FUCKING MEDIA LOSERS!
  13. Looks pretty fuckin' high speed for sure.
  14. That is awesome! Damn...got me thinkin!
  15. Pretty good. When it starts to get out of range or interference, does it give you a warning or something? Or do you go pick it up at the scene of the crash?
  16. Man...that shit really is cool! What's the range on that?
  17. Only if it fits his narrative at the time. Then it's a FACT!
  18. Yes, I've certainly heard from several he's a completely different little girl in person. One may have compared him to a little church mouse. Wait...I think that was me. I would. And I'd laugh and I'd laugh. Maybe roast a "mellow" or two. But I wouldn't eat it...I don't want any of that smoking idiocy in my body.
  19. Holy sweet Fall weather! been in the high 60's here all day. Good and sunny. You can almost smell winter in the air. Makes me wanna go rub one out...again.
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