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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Yep. We got caught up this last week on all the old ones. Can’t wait to see it. We’re Cruise fans...not “we’re joining the aliens” type fans but, he’s a pretty good actor. Weirdos are.
  2. First, you have to state multiple times how members that report posts are worthless pussies and people that can’t take it are pussies and pussies are pussies. Then, you need to have the record for he most reported posts on the site. Then...find a mod you think will be sympathetic and start burning up the PM to make your lying case why your feelings are hurt and why the mean member that did it should be banned. Do this over several sites until you are just finally banned.
  3. The NRA has more money than the DNC!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hey @ActionfigureJoe, you may be right. This is a better rerun! Sometimes the alternative endings are better.
  5. I enjoy it. Don’t you have your own little battles here and next door to tend to? Seems you’ve been challenged and not much comes from it. Are you snowrider-ish? Or are you really feeling froggy tonight? Jerry Jones has you all fucked up. Wow.
  6. I don’t care. If you want to be.
  7. It’s important to put on a show for everyone to save face. I get it. Wont matter.
  8. Not sure how many times I have to tell you how I’m going to do it. You forfeited the time and place so, my choice now. Remember though...this isn’t for real....this is intranet safe place land!!!!!!
  9. Wait. You won’t press charges either.
  10. Hey shit face, I’ve done this before. Just lay down. What will be done isn’t for you...or anybody else here.
  11. Weak. Look Jimmy. I think he supports your effort and/or point. IDK. I didn’t read this idiocy.
  12. Now you’re just triggered. Sit down and breathe. No...STAND UP!!!
  13. Jimmy is turning birch and now Tooly is swooping in to help him. It’s weird...and I’m concerned for him.
  14. Wait til you kneel.....and see your reaction. Loser. Coward. Liar. Bitch. Dak’s already made it clear he supports standing you fucking idiot.
  15. That’s my bet this year if they can’t seem to run their operation any better than they did last year.
  16. No. He writes his check too and the fans don’t take issue with him wearing his hat. If they take issue, I’d bet he’d remove it. It’s simple. Did I miss something or is Jerry telling the fans to suck it and he’s “wearing his hat because of social injustice?” You are looking for a bizarre and tiny hypocrisy to make an argument...it’s just not there.
  17. So? Many don’t put their hand over heir hearts either. But they don’t go down in front of the cameras and 60,000 fans and form up a big fat “up yours” about it either. Is it really that hard to just stand up and fake respect for something others do respect? This was a shit show from the start when these half wits couldn’t answer the same for the reason for their kneeling. It’s as if they didn’t know Kapernacolouc did anything. The ones that answered “it was against Trump” doomed the whole thing. Yep. “Solidarity”. JUST GO CATCH THE FUCKING BALL!!!!!
  18. It’s his show and his revenue....that’s what pays his players. This isn’t a Constitutional argument at all and never was. This is corporate law. When you sign up for the cashola...you waive certain rights while on the clock. The NFL is run by a retard. The answer is simple. Almost stupidly amazingly simple. Put he players back in the locker room until it’s time to play. WGAF?
  19. Meh...’bout the same actually.
  20. That’s where they should stay. Nobody would care. It’s going to be interesting to see that shit show play out this year.
  21. Let me sum it up for you! The days of liberals and other little disenfranchised bitches calling names and not getting slapped back are over. It’s going to get worse too. I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT!!!!!! Warm up that dojo mat!!!!!
  22. I’d rather watch soccer. There’s a million times more grit in those players.
  23. Liar. Just about the “you may watch” part. I have no doubt you’d respect the repugnant efforts.
  24. I’m sure HM would let him walk on the money. He’s just making himself look like Tool Kit.
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