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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Oh....you never left. Good luck! And pretty sure they are limited. "I move the needle here bitches!!" *BANNED
  2. ....or is he going to get "suicided" first? Poor lying McCabe. Federal Grand Jury goin' lookin'!!!!
  3. Poor chinless Tools. Just nowhere to go....thinks he's clever anyways.
  4. Woah!!! Hold on a second....let’s look at the wind directions first!! Then let Saudi do it.
  5. Is he going to fake rage and spit at a honky woman too? Ahhh....”Me feels likums Spartycuss!!” The left is an impressively angry and tough bunch!
  6. When you read a post from an awkward chinless dork that is so cowardly awkward that it makes you cringe a little..... This is like that.
  7. Look! Another liberal democrat that has long forgotten (due to ignoring all months that aren’t election months) their real base. Nawwww....they are the “intellectual elites”. HOLY SHIT! Moto, please get Tools the Antifa starter kit. Don’t give him a sharpened stick yet though. Can you put a cork on the end or something?
  8. More than likely. Or else, the context is so skewed or, it’s “creative quoting”. Either way, I don’t waste my time with news riddles from a faulted source. But, if your “feels” makes you like that’s stuff....go nuts!
  9. See Jimmy? Look at this. Ooof. It’s hard to imagine such non-existent self awareness. This is reaching beyond Dunning-Kruger syndrome I’m afraid. You should donate your brain to science.....today.
  10. I had an old sea shell my daughter picked up from the Florida coast ten years ago....I put it up and put it to my ear and listened. I find that type of information more informative than anything from CNN. Super terrific! Thanks.
  11. Doesn’t matter. Probably a nobody. The left’s been falling all over themselves for “sources close to the source that knows somebody in a position of sourcing” It doesn’t matter anymore.
  12. Dude. Try to post just a few anti-Trump/America threads a day with links that aren’t from CNN. Have some dignity.
  13. With a big fucking bro muncher on the front and Velcro on the sides to catch the ones that jump out of he way? Yep, yura racist. Seriously tho....those Raptors look pretty sweet!
  14. Now Moto is supporting companies that “exploit the worker and steal their labor”. He doesn’t know what the fuck to do! :
  15. They don’t make denim Crocs. Or, are you saying they are gonna make rubber jeans? No thanks!
  16. Prolly letting their workers kneel on the clock too. You know, respecting their “right to free speech and peaceful protest” and all....or, do those pesky Corporate Laws get in the way. Damn it. “MUH CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!” No.
  17. Look at Snowpussy go! Him and Pampers!!! Fight to the finish!!!! Two half-wits can only make a hole.
  18. Jesus fuck! BRILLIANT! You win. Can you draft something up by COB tomorrow?
  19. CUZ...fuck those 8 year olds in those shops 20 hours a day! They are the wrong race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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