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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. The Florida analysis from the surgeon general is made up now. Nice try. Where are the stats for the unvaxxed showing even close to those findings, ie 84% increase. Fucking dumb twit.
  2. So how many so called pro-vaxxers are still getting boosted? Please spare the rest of us your hypocrisy.
  3. Where are the unvaxxed with the heart issues from covid? That's right there isn't any. Deepfaggot you make a poor anti-vaxxer.
  4. Is Florida making up shit too, 84% increase in heart attacks in the vaxxed.
  5. Young people are dying of heart issues, all vaxxed. Show us the unvaxxed, you can't. Deaths from unknown causes. Fucking simpleton moron.
  6. Believes Covid scam narrative - check Believes Climate scam narrative - check Believes Ukraine scam narrative - check Karen2Karen brainwashing programming complete - check
  7. I've posted plenty, the rate is about 1 in 2000 for the vaxxed. Where is the unvaxxed rates you hide behind.
  8. Where are the increased myocarditis in the unvaxxed? Put up or shut up. Like the real people (young) who are dropping like flies, all vaxxed.
  9. Where are all the unvaxxed with increased myocarditis? That's right there isn't any. Another Deepfaggot fail.
  10. Many still think wef is a conspiracy and have their best interest. Just look above.
  11. Here's Mcullough. Myocarditis rate in one cohort in Thailand at 2.5% in the vaxxed of course. What is the reason to give this shit to kids again when the IFR rate is 0.0003% from covid? Sorry Deepfag.
  12. So you are an anti-vaxxer now. No longer believe in the garbage you were spewing before. Some of us got it right, others it takes a while, the foolish will take it to their graves.
  13. You really have a poor reading comprehension mr anti-vax.
  14. The real IFR for youth under 20 pre-vax is 0.0003% translated to real world data implies if 1 million get covid, then maybe 3 could die. The flu is far worse for this cohort. Now do the vax. Where are we at just with myocarditis? Before covid it was 4 per million, now we are at 1 in 2000. That's just one side effect. These people need to swing by the neck until dead.
  15. All of a sudden now the dems are worried about secure elections, ie Hillary, Wallace. I'm sure the msm will have your full support to help combat this malfeasance. Low IQ moron.
  16. The media who is a propaganda arm for the wef, calls it a conspiracy. Smith with the knockout punch.
  17. Pv just came out with a video about Hobbs twin sister.
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