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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. All of a sudden Musk is now public enemy #1 or #2. Didn't see that happening.
  2. Guess who took the picture? Justin Trudeau's own personal photographer. This is what treason looks like.
  3. That's not what I said. Its OK for points and I have one for that. Its also pretty hard to book a hotel or car without one.
  4. There is no $$$$ in a healthy population.
  5. You still falling for Russian propaganda I see. The brainwashing runs deep.
  6. Let me dumb it down for the slow people. Africa is 6% vaxxed, they are done with covid. Class dismissed.
  7. The only good debt is asset backed. It's rather laughable those here who think getting cash back equates to that. Keep doing what you're doing.
  8. I'm pretty sure he is looking at reality and quite disgusted with the censorship that happened. Soros is 92 and a star of the left that most in world would cheer if he were dead.
  9. What about them? Any non sterilizing vax will drive variants, now go do a mass vax campaign with a useless product and look and behold, what have we done. If the vax worked this would have been over, if there was no vax, natural immunity would have stopped it and it would have been over. But the vax is prolonging the virus and keeping the EU going.
  10. Variants pre-vax? You have been fooled moron, covid was always less deadly than the flu. Here is Jay one of the Great Barrington Declarations authors. Why was a vax necessary with an IFR now calculated to 0.035% pre-vax for those under 60.
  11. Even Musk gets it, stay ignorant, not that you have a choice otherwise.
  12. The vax is driving the variants, its what happens when you have a leaky non-sterilizing vaxxine disguised as gene therapy. What happen to the science yesterday? No clue right, keep following your fake world.
  13. Actually that's exactly how it works.
  14. Their applies to you and the dumb sheep minions. Wow, you really are this dumb.
  15. Could pretty much peg the idiots that would be calling for it. Ann Frank is also a conspiracy theorist traitor.
  16. Without question. Even Nazis have defenders, go figure. Guy is probably already on some transhumanism experiments thinking he will live forever.
  17. Stay an ignorant fool Bambi. Pfizer lied, there data is all garbage. That's why the FDA wanted 75 years cause they are in collusion with Pfizer. Enjoy Thanksgiving.
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