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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. I don't think they were known outside of Canada. Like I said before, if I can make it through listening to one song without changing the channel, its a compliment. Forget about two.
  2. Fail, let me make it simple for you. The Hip politicized this event, and Trudope was there for a photo op, the media publicized it days before, so yah they can expect criticism. So what did Gord say that was so moving? Absolutely nothing! The only solution Trudope has it to throw more money at a bad situation with even less accountability, sounds like a great plan. I have been up north as well for infrastructure projects and every contractor on site was a major alcoholic by the end cause there is nothing for them to do and no place to go. Gord can donate his estate to his great cause, but would likely have better use just tossing whatever he has into a giant bonfire, at least that might keep a few warm for a few minutes. And I don't care if its Plant/Jagger etc, just play your great music otherwise, shut the fuck up.
  3. They should have checked her speed and reflexes. Toss out a chicken and let her try and catch it.
  4. Those cars are something. Whoever is in the back controls the seats of whoever is driving and riding in the front. Not to bright.
  5. Yes HK residences can come and go into the mainland, but not the other way around. Still only one government.
  6. It is part of China but quite different. Although they want to model HK as the new minimum standard for future development.
  7. It would be something if I can keep the radio station tuned through one of their songs.
  8. It really is, he should have just attended the concert as a fan, like these two. http://www.cbc.ca/beta/comedy/funnystuff/stephen-harper-elizabeth-may-spotted-dancing-together-at-tragically-hip-concert-1.3730980
  9. Welcome back Fail, but you would be wrong . . . again. It was a photo op. While I wish Gord the best of health, I do not care what he or any other entertainer or actor etc says. And no I did not watch the concert as I do not care for the Hip's music.
  10. So the Libtard waste continues . . . membership to airport lounge expensed. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/philpott-airport-lounge-executive-1.3731578 Thats a lot of photos, too bad its not to promote any policy. http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/feds-spent-10-681-on-photos-of-catherine-mckenna-and-her-staff-during-paris-climate-change-talks-1.3039601 So much for Real Change.
  11. Most of my time has been spend at the chemical reactors and refineries, but there have been some nice stops.
  12. Have not been to Austin but have been all over TX. Thought San Antonio was nice.
  13. Sometimes it makes sense to outsource.
  14. Pretty sure it's the same visa to get to HK or the mainland. Very different, yes they drive on different sides of the road between the two.
  15. Yes he really is. Who is responsible for his pic? Man up and take responsibility, instead of trying to blame others. What a sap.
  16. Awesome movie. Can't believe some are still buthurt they cause they insist to have an unmoderated site beckon to their whiny causes.
  17. Hey vacations come first. I am sure things will just balance all by themselves.
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