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Everything posted by AKIQPilot

  1. If..? Really? I would call it another one of your fabricated fantasies. Your fabrications are pure bull shit. Thats what I would call it.
  2. Does that excite you or something. Your thought process here is quite bizarre.
  3. Whats wrong with you? What did I do to hurt your feelings so bad? I tried to tell you the Mueller report wasnt going to work out in your favor. I warned you to be prepared for disappointment. For the last 5 months I tried to help you prepare for this time on your life. You were so emotionally invested in this collusion thing that many of us tried to prepare you for disappointment. I dont think any of us saw this level of denial though. Its just on another level.
  4. Remember when you believed Trump colluded with Russia? That was awesome.
  5. Hahahahaha. You have lost it dude. Completely lost it.
  6. Oh he is in total denial. Mueller shoved Russiagate straight up slingers ass. He’s been ass raped around here so much lately he cant even feel it.
  7. AKIQPilot


    Slingers mental breakdown available for all to view in every thread again today. This is fun.
  8. Why are you so emotionally invested in this whole thing?
  9. Slinger has gone full bore retard now. This is awesome to witness. He reaction is much better than I expected. So much fun
  10. If? You mean to tell us you dont know what was handed to Jr? Are you making stuff up again today. Is this more of the dreams you have and like to spew as reality? You are an idiot.
  11. Dude. Sorry to hear this Brad. Prayers and well wishes for your Pops. Hang in there.
  12. Hahaha. Love the thread title.
  13. What did Jr tell Mueller about the purpose of the meeting?
  14. Neal is not accepting the reality that Russiagate was a big nothingburger without cheese. Reality is a tough pill to swallow.
  15. Did Jared and Jr lie to Mueller? If so then why no indictments? He indicted several others for lesser offences.
  16. @Snoslinger should read that and take a little heed. He should appologize to everyone on this forum for having to listen to all his fabricated bullshit lies for the last 2 years. The fucking puke has zero, absolutely zero, credibility. And he was warned a hundred times or more that Mueller wasnt going to come up with the goods on Trump.
  17. Wonder why slinger hasnt commented in this thread. Way to much unfabricated truth in it for him I suppose.
  18. Ill take a stab. 1. I dont know why Jr set up a meeting with a lawyer from Russia 2. I havent seen Jr testimony to Mueller so I dont know what he said the meeting was for. 3. A meeting is not collusion. Something of value has to change hands before it can be considered collusion. I dont know if any valuable information changed hands during or after this meeting. 4. I assume Mueller has access to all the same intel you have. Why didnt he find the collusion that you seem to think was there the whole time?
  19. You have proof Jr was lying? Did Jr lie to Mueller? Pretty simple questions.
  20. A 2011-2016 IQr had about 155psi of compression stock. Obviously that varied by gauge but the stock IQr had decent compression stock 135-140 isnt bad. Depending on your technique for the test that could be up close to 150 using a different gauge.
  21. Hahahaha. Good luck with that. He will never move on.
  22. Yea. Johnny Laroux told him so.
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