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Jimmy Snacks

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Everything posted by Jimmy Snacks

  1. Not really but nice to see you still fluffing him despite his absence.😉
  2. And one more who probably doesn’t get mentioned enough…Clem Burke.
  3. Also not sure where this guy ranks but he knocks it out of the park on this song…
  4. Maybe not the greatest but my favorite….favorite band as well…
  5. Her disguise was very well done….🙄
  6. “Obsession”….good god you are an idiot but good job playing FS TBP correspondent.
  7. He has delusions of grandeur.🤣
  8. His name is mentioned…he isn’t really “talked about”.
  9. All bullshit and insults aside I’m with Chad on this one…I’m glad she’s in remission and after surviving cancer and chemo she absolutely deserves a wonderful smile. Continued good health for her.🍻🙏🏻
  10. I didn’t say you and I know you aren’t the bashing type.👊🏻☺️
  11. No…just woolie…Deephaven has a crush on the guy.😂
  12. No…you’re just a dumbfuck.😂
  13. You love groomers as well…bravo.
  14. Yeah,yeah, blah,blah….another newbie making demands…run along Karen.
  15. What’s the matter big shooter…lose another 2500?😂
  16. Oh fuck off Karen…you’re nothing but a HCS reject that spews nothing but horseshit. Maybe come over and chime in again so you can get laughed at some more…fucking jagoff.😂
  17. Rent free ‘eh there cunt…you fuckers got him booted and now you can’t stop talking about him…long necked dipshit.😂
  18. No,no…..according to newbie Steve “most” disagree with me.😂
  19. My endgame is to point out the bullshit and selective rule enforcement on a forum that I have been a member of for far longer than you. I also see it going in a direction that I find reprehensible and I suppose I could just bail but I won’t because fuck you and a few others here that you call “most”.
  20. 3 posts of backtracking and being a mealy mouthed cunt…well done! Own your words pussy.😉
  21. I did indeed because you interjected and defended a creep.
  22. You made it about you when you interjected.
  23. Good god is that all you’ve got…I’m starting to understand all the overseas solo trips…fucking gross.
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