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Carlos Danger

USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Carlos Danger

  1. Yea well to shoot a plane down first you have to get it into the air. Iran's air Force is just pathetic.
  2. Oh Moto has plenty of left wing loons left in the primary to pick from.
  3. Berkeley!!! Not all of Cali is crazy.
  4. Drug Lord's must be moving some money around.
  5. It has been a testing facility since the second world war. Oh and the neighboring site is the home to almost 1000 nuclear bomb tests.
  6. There was a group of aviation enthusiast that spent time trying to take pictures of experimental aircraft. The group laid out what they had encountered for security and let's just say the long haired hippies do not stand a chance.
  7. Lucky for you she is not in charge....she would be a little rough on the rainbow tribe.
  8. Yea the severed head chick is crying Nazi.....oh the irony.
  9. Her and her husband must have hate sex every night of the week.
  10. My only real problem with her is that I was hoping for a moderate Muslim voice to be one of the first in Congress but instead we got what we got. I have a very low opinion of most in Congress so I don't see how thinking she sucks makes her special. I am going to side with Bill Mahar on this one Islam is not compatible with the western world because of the rank and file Muslim not just the radicals.
  11. So did she or did she not marry her brother?
  12. True he had been out of office for 8 months. Of course you do realize that OBL said it was the lack of response in Somalia that made him consider an attack on the US main land. Who was president then?
  13. Sounds like a quote from Nancy Pelosi.
  14. Just so we are clear what did the orange guy do?
  15. You would not believe what they get for a new Pavati$$$$$.
  16. And many make the argument that Trump is the same just a temper tantrum by the voters. I would say they would have a point if he did as little as AOC has with his elected power.
  17. It is not a matter of my like or dislike it is more to do with her supporters. They seem to be so hungry for someone to flick the noses of those in power that the question of how or even if what she is saying has any merits.
  18. I would add Homan did not make her look bad she did that to herself. She asked one question after another to which she did not know the answer. She is not even smart enough to frame basic questions.
  19. I think she hurt her constituents with the Amazon deal and much of what she does is self serving. I am not sure I find much of value in that kind of disruption.
  20. Having followed politics since the early eighties I would say the nature of the game has made it unattractive to good and smart people. The death of Ross Perot this week reminds me that you need to be a little crazy to run for office with the way we have turned it into a professional wrestling tournament.
  21. I am having a hard time pointing to a success AOC has had other than getting in front of a camera or microphone every 10 seconds. Her exchange with this border patrol guy is just awful on so many fronts I don't know where to begin.
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