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Carlos Danger

USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Carlos Danger

  1. Another thing that gets swept under the rug in the documents case is the subject of the documents and how they relate to his foreign deals he has going with his brother and son. The word treasonous comes to mind.
  2. Which is it? Is Joe the brains behind the White House or is he what the Judge in his documents case said a well meaning dodling fool. You can't have it both ways if he is as MC says in charge then he should face the 11 felony charges brought against him.
  3. You do know they never schedule anything for Biden before 10 am. For a guy who is supposed to be a worker he sure takes a lot of time off.
  4. Even that is political theater. Hell it took them years to prosecute the guy who lied on the FISA forms but this little jem of a charge is ready to go tut sweet. Let's be clear this is just Joe and company trying to strong arm other witnesses into submission.
  5. Wait till all the rich tax base is gone ....1970 here we come.
  6. Yea but the Donald Trump charges are shit. Especially the latest NY fraud trial. Even the they used has never been used against anyone other than banks. Just political theater. If it does not get overturned it will be a parade of moving vans of wealthy people heading south.
  7. When are we going to talk about the 11 felony charges Joe Biden was up for but won't be charged because he is unfit mentally.
  8. Putin says nice things about Hillary and Joe Biden which makes sense cause they can be bought.
  9. It is all of it that should scare us. The fact that Biden was able to sensor people in almost real time should give us chills no matter what side you are on.
  10. There are questions as to the condition of Russian nuclear weapons
  11. Yea so the "Bill" was just a bunch of money to speed up the revolving door at the border. Glad it is dead in the house.
  12. What are the estimated illegals that have crossed the border since Biden laid out the welcome mat 10 million or higher? We used to let in about 1 million a year give or take but the majority came through legal channels. I mean by what measure does Biden have control of the border?
  13. Obama was a Democrat that knew better than to just open the border .
  14. Again for the ten thousands time Trump was never my first pick and do not enjoy listening to him or Biden but Trump's policies are superior as the southern border proves .
  15. Biden invited 10 million illegals to come to our border and you think Jan 6 is a problem?
  16. Why is Mendez still in the Senate?
  17. First he has not even been tried and let's be honest the prosecutor is on a left wing witch hunt. The Dems are trying to turn Trump into a criminal it just isn't going well.
  18. Lots of members of Congress were on cameras stirring the pot. Riots oh please.
  19. Do you remember when the riots happened? Billions in damage and of course the take over of a federal court house in Washington state? Who went to jail over that?
  20. It's New York! Even if Santos was not a boob the seat would have flipped back w eventually.
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