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Mexican Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Woodtick

  1. I’ve never had a heating bill over $140 a month and I’m on nat gas. The stat never goes above 68 degrees either. For those with these ductless split heat pumps,make sure you are saving for repairs and replacement costs. They are right up there with owning a Range Rover out of warranty. Mitsubishi is definitely the best choice if picking a brand. They are all a pain in the ass to work on and get parts. They are a good option for ac if you don’t have duct work or a small addition. They aren’t popular because of how efficient they are. They are popular because of installing costs.
  2. This youcrane thing looks to be over. Who’s oil are we going to try to control next?
  3. Stop blaming the food industry. They make what sells. Pretty easy to go to the bakery section,butcher section and the produce section. Then proceed to the checkout. Have you seen how many calories are in some of these coffee drinks? What happened to making a cup of coffee at home? These fat fucks hit the drive through and start their day with a 1200 calories cup of coffee. For lunch they order a 1500 calorie salad at Applebee’s.
  4. Biden is making Putin rich.https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/russia-generates-more-oil-and-gas-revenues-than-pre-ukraine-conflict-days-57944
  5. That and if there isn’t any wind,the core temperature of a big city doesn’t drop at night. Has nothing to do with global warming. It’s billions of tons of concrete and black top that hold the heat. Chicago is going to have a night core temp problem for the next two nights.
  6. Don’t be all mad bro. Millions of Americans know what the US and NATO were up to with their nazi friends in you crane. They now look like stool pigeons. Trump warned Europeans this would happen if they didn’t knock it off. The sanctions are making Russia rich.
  7. Most Americans don’t give two fucks about corrupt nazi youcrane. I stand with Putin.
  8. Putin sent NATO back to the kids table. They look like the fools that they truly are.
  9. Hey @Anler, went to this bar grill in New Lenox after my daughters soccer game. They know what pot roast is. Bhen =
  10. The Russian boomers are picking up fresh samich makers in South America. Putin is smart. This is how chess is played.https://www.latinamericancupid.com/en/landing/paid?&ovchn=GGL&ovcpn=English+USA&ovcrn=nicaraguan brides&ovmtc=b&ovraw=g&ovtac=PPC&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiKD0u4io-AIVESM4Ch3yIwOZEAAYASAAEgJgXvD_BwE
  11. His library will be awesome and make Chicago the greatest city ever.
  12. Everyone knows it’s a dog and pony show .
  13. This isn’t possible. I read here that Putin is running out of equipment and troops.
  14. My place would have been a little out of the way. The rig would have fit though.
  15. You could have left it by me ya Dope.
  16. The Indians will keep a eye on it.
  17. Will you pay me in rubles? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ruble-currency-2022/
  18. Simmer down little man. It’s not my fault Putin is winning.
  19. Putin is in control of it,so it isn’t stealing. That’s how winning a war works.
  20. Holy fuck, they no longer have control of their ports. That’s all Putin needs. Didn’t you here about that little problem with youcrane grain,it’s now russia grain.
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