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s pump

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Everything posted by s pump

  1. Yes, of course. Please elaborate.
  2. Dead or alive. Vote early and vote often.
  3. I've dealt with the likes of you when I grew up in a trailer park in Arkansas. Don't try me mister.
  4. Because voting 3rd party is always a good idea. SMFH but seeing who voted that way explains a LOT.
  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=rick+roll&rlz=1C1AYYF_enUS1071US1075&oq=rick&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggEEAAYsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDINCAIQLhiDARixAxiABDINCAMQLhiDARixAxiABDIKCAQQABixAxiABDIKCAUQLhixAxiABDIKCAYQLhixAxiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiPAjIHCAkQABiPAtIBCjE3OTQ4ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:38b14088,vid:dQw4w9WgXcQ,st:0
  6. I pull the strings and you dance.
  7. Nah, just moving the needle
  8. Hey, post that picture of you in your wrestling leotard retard.
  9. I thought it for setting things on here at Groomerider.com
  10. Grow a chin yet?
  11. Who is that No thanks Awful lot of gay up in here
  12. It's more fun this way
  13. I have no idea who you are but you do seem to have an inflated opinion that you matter. Where you from, what do you ride, do for a living? That kinda stuff like most OGs know about each other.
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