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Everything posted by ViperGTS/Z1

  1. I still havent seen any vid that demonstrates a mocking attitude by the kids.....some of the kids had a frightened look on their faces as Cheif Wanasalami approached them and some joined in with the drum beat in a fun way with dancing. It didnt look like anyway was angry with the cheif....more confused at what the ahole was doing beating his drum so close. Even the smirking kid looked bewildered. Please link a vid showing exactly where this racist mean mocking occured...maybe ive just missed it
  2. All these words changing meanings...I just cant keep up. When's the revised edition of the dictionary coming out?
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/army-vet-says-asked-not-wear-racist-trump-shirt-gym-220146106.html
  4. Yeah I saw that a few days ago and it was totally swept under the rug by MSM. So much so....that I didnt know whether it was actually true.
  5. It seems he is redefining the definition of .
  6. Pretty sure he has an invite in North Carolina they have been contemplating
  7. You are one messed up hombre. Lets just lump everyone into one category when only 1 apple who appeared to be in blackface may be bad. Must be why you say all whites are racist......including yourself then . Lets eliminate the school....sorry but there will continue to be some racists at any school both white and black......oh thats right...we've changed the definition of rascist behavior to exclude blacks. Admit it dude.....you like this Nathan character because he is keeper of the pipe...
  8. The guy is a complete scumbag...end of story. Doesn't matter what ethnicity he is.
  9. No one wants to hear about this manufactured crisis. It cant possibly spill into our open borders.
  10. So they weren't throwing racial epithets towards those kids? It was flat out racial biasness prejudice or however you want to spin it.
  11. Who did they poll?.... Pelosi and Schumers family? Wall will be built don't you worry
  12. Spot On Neal. According to Moto and XLT,we cant refer to those black Israelites or whatever they call themselves as racist. There's actually no other word in the dictionary that would describe the epithets that they were slinging at those kids. It doesnt get any more racist than that but yet they were left largely unmentioned. ....incredible.
  13. Never imagined this would happen. https://mobile-reuters-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1PG2HB?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reuters.com%2Farticle%2Fus-usa-oil-productivity-idUSKCN1PG2HB
  14. Not if the person being mean to you is black......all this "white privilege" in the world won't help the white person from being called a racist if he responds in kind. The pendulum has swung way past the middle as evidenced by those black Israelites yelling those mean things(not racist things...lol ) at the kids.
  15. Many articles still out there claiming hes a vietnam vet. Never knew XLT and Moto worked for GQ: https://www.gq.com/story/maga-teens-benefit-of-the-doubt Unbelievable what this country has become. The infamous red hat
  16. I dont know,maybe its just me but I tend to like the people that wear the hats.
  17. Exactly. ......same as when he visited the Troops That wasn't announced either but certainly was planned and MC and crew had a fit over that too.......well....just because its Trump.
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