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Everything posted by irv

  1. Major Greenland Glacier Is Growing. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145185/major-greenland-glacier-is-growing#:~:text=Jakobshavn Glacier in western Greenland,implications for sea level rise. Another one that is growing but the National Geographic and Nasa says this is a bad thing. What fools will believe. A Greenland glacier is growing. That doesn't mean melting is over. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/one-part-of-greenland-ice-growing https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/2925/why-a-growing-greenland-glacier-doesnt-mean-good-news-for-global-warming/ https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/key-greenland-glacier-growing-again-after-shrinking-years-nasa-study-ncna987116
  2. Posts an MSN article then claims I'm demented. Quick, see if you can find one from MSNBC, The New York Times or any other left leaning MSM site then I'll believe you for sure!!!
  3. Michael Mann, the global warming Hockey stick guy, that used his severely manipulated graph to further push fear into the people about global warming, sued a couple deniers, but while in court, and when asked to back up his graph and other false fear monger claims, refused to show how he concluded what he did. Nothing reeks of truth, honesty and transparency like refusing to show/reveal how one came to that conclusion. Why did climatologist Michael E. Mann lose his lawsuit against Tim Ball? Because he dragged out the trial over eight years and failed to provide the requested documents. Why that was we can guess. IF he had provided them, his research would come into question. Showing that the hockey stick was a fabrication. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/08/22/breaking-dr-tim-ball-wins-michaelemann-lawsuit-mann-has-to-pay/ https://www.netzerowatch.com/michael-mann-loses-lawsuit-against-climate-sceptic-tim-ball/
  4. Jim Hansen, eh. The head of space studies is your go to guy? Dr. James Hansen, then the head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Hansen did not disappoint. The New York Times reported on June 23, 1988: “Today Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Give this a read and tell me you haven't been gut hooked, brainwashed into believing the big lie. https://www.heartland.org/news-opinion/news/global-warming-fake-news-from-the-start
  5. irv

    Meme thread

    And I bet it didn't hurt one bit. No brain no pain.
  6. I assume you've seen this that AC posted in the ON section? These Liberal morons are about as bright as a 3 watt lightbulb.
  7. What's your thoughts on drag queens dancing and putting a show on for kindergarten children and up? Liberalism has gone f@#*ing mad!
  8. irv


    There was a big reason why Toronto got rid of him: He was a liability each and every season, especially during the playoffs. Just like he did this year with Biddington. He very easily could have hurt the Av's, again, like he did last year but luckily for him it was inconclusive due to the St. Louis player being so close to him. Anyone who says Kadri crashing into Biddington was unintentional, doesn't know hockey. Kardi used the opportunity to crash into Biddington and he got away with it. It wouldn't have hurt my feelings one bit if Kane had put him right through the boards. The clown deserves everything he gets. Kadri was given an eight-game suspension for a hit to the head of St. Louis Blues defenceman Justin Faulk in Game 2 of their first-round series last season. It was his sixth suspension for a total of 16 playoff games and 11 regular-season games.Sept 27, 2021 https://www.nhl.com/video/kadri-suspended-eight-games/t-277440360/c-8419047 https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/looking-back-maple-leafs-nazem-kadris-lengthy-suspension-history/
  9. irv


    Fuck Kadri. Hopefully he's out for the remainder of the playoffs and all of next season too. Paybacks are a bitch I say.
  10. Imagine being a naïve, easily manipulated, confused young kid nowadays, (let alone a fully grown adult), and being bombarded with critical race theory, gender reclassification, multiple genders, gender reassignment, white privilege, BLM, antifa, cancel culture, defund the police, covid, vaccines, mandates and passports, lockdowns, pregnant men, fake news, social media, global warming (and being told you only have 8 to 12 yrs to live), and still having to deal with all the normal problems and issues most teenagers face like hormone changes, trying to fit in, girls/boys, school, your future, and a whole myriad of other things. It's not hard, but hard for some it seems, to see which party is pushing all this B.S., but yet they will defend come hell or highwater everything they are doing without giving any thought whatsoever to what it is doing to our world today.
  11. It's all by design. A nation of sheep is much easier to fool and control than a nation of critical thinking wolves.
  12. Good luck as there isn't chance I'll admit the earth is warming. The "earth", like always, has had warm and cool cycles and always will and why that is called cyclical. The earth is billions of years old. Volcanoes explode every 5 to 10,000 years. In geological times, that is a pittance of time, or a few weeks, possibly a month. We have been on this planet for a blink of an eye nothing more. If you actually believe the "planet" is warming up, hence the term "global warming" then things should be pretty equal worldwide, no? Tell me, if that is the case, shouldn't glaciers be melting worldwide instead of growing? Shouldn't everywhere in the world being warming up at relatively the same rate or speed? Were you aware Glacier National park had to remove all their signs that read "All Glaciers in this park will be gone by 2020 due to man made global warming" Did you know that that never happened, that the glaciers never melted but actually grew? There's lots more. Educate yourself and quit reading the propaganda and referring to fake news sites whose sole purpose is to brainwash you. https://www.krtv.com/news/montana-and-regional-news/glacier-national-park-is-removing-glaciers-will-be-gone-by-2020-signs https://www.kpax.com/news/local-news/flathead-county/glacier-national-park-to-remove-all-glaciers-will-be-gone-by-2020-signs https://nypost.com/2020/01/10/the-telling-tale-of-glacier-national-parks-gone-by-2020-signs/ And since you seem to be easily fooled by fake news, here's one right from CNN who also told the story. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/08/us/glaciers-national-park-2020-trnd/index.html#:~:text=(CNN) The signs at Glacier,spokeswoman Gina Kurzmen told CNN. Here's a bunch of articles that actually say the earth is cooling rather than heating up. Truthfully, since we've had 2-3 global ice ages, I'd say that is more likely than us heating up to the point where everything on this planet perishes. https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/20972/20190504/expert-says-the-earth-is-actually-cooling.htm https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jan/05/how-greenhouse-gases-are-actually-cooling-earths-upper-atmosphere https://www.axios.com/2021/05/11/global-warming-cooler-temperatures-2021 And here's a list of shamed, shunned and silenced scientists who don't agree with you and the likes of Al Gore, Bill Nye, David Suzuki and Obama. https://electroverse.net/the-list-scientists-who-publicly-disagree-with-the-current-consensus-on-climate-change/ And one last thing. What do you suppose melted all the glaciers before man was ever stepped foot on this planet? Would that not also be considered global warming?
  13. I don't agree with any of it, but I can definitely see the reason why, especially the with the military.
  14. No. Volcanoes, natural methane dumps, oil seepage, etc, are all natural things on this planet but those are never mentioned nor shown. What we emit pales in comparison to what these natural occurring things emit into the atmosphere. Wetlands. Wetlands are the largest natural source of methane. This produces 78% of natural methane emissions. Wetlands, termites and the oceans are all natural sources of methane emissions. The methane produced by natural sources is completely offset by natural methane sinks. This has been so for thousands of years. The world's largest natural oil seepage is Coal Oil Point in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Three of the better known tar seep locations in California are McKittrick Tar Pits, Carpinteria Tar Pits and the La Brea Tar Pits. At Kern River Oil Field, there are no currently active seeps. https://www.whoi.edu/know-your-ocean/ocean-topics/how-the-ocean-works/seafloor-below/natural-oil-seeps/ It's odd, isn't it, that if you look up info regarding any of the above, the only info available is just from a few years ago. I wonder why that has been removed?
  15. People go to sporting events or watch it on T.V. to get away from it all. This shit we are now seeing is nothing but Liberal propaganda trying to brainwash us further. I don't care if you agree with that or not. The bottom line is it is sickening and has no place in sports.
  16. So, that's conclusive that the earth is warming up??? What about other parts of the world that are experiencing record cold and snow? The climate has changed forever and always will, but, just because we have off years or even decades for that matter, doesn't mean we are warming up where climate change can now be referred to as a climate crisis. Read up on the different epochs. The smart people knew what we are currently experiencing regarding the climate was going to happen because it always has. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_periods_and_events_in_climate_history
  17. And climate central is the go to site that tells honest, unbiased truth and has peer review dudes/gals who, if you present something to them that contradicts their narrative, they don't shame you and kick you to the curb? Figure it out, dude. You're being played just like others have been prior to us.
  18. Woke-ism has reached the NHL and has for sometime now. It's sickening, to be honest.
  19. Not picking on the U.S. It is basically the same up here, or at least heading that way.
  20. Bill Maher Thinks America ‘Might Be Empirically, Verifiably Too F-ing Dumb to Continue’ (Video)
  21. It is, is it?? What proof do you have we are warming? We break cold records almost annually, including this year in parts of the world. Us, up here, just broke a 30+ yr record for having to wait as long as we did for our first 20 degree day. Europe broke all kinds of cold and snow records this past winter. We experienced just 10 degrees c here last night and it is supposed to go down to 8 tonight, and our PM and his batch of cronies told us 2 yrs ago, Canada is warming up 2-3 times faster than any other country on earth. In case you forgot, today is June 4th. It goes on and on, but but "GLOBAL" warming!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2022/04/04/europe-record-cold-france-agriculture/
  22. Guess they thought we'd better cover all weather/climate normalcies just in case the sheep figure it out. According to NOAA, these rising temperatures have unleashed a cascade of weather impacts, including episodes of extreme heat, drought and wildfire activity, as well as heavier precipitation, flooding and tropical storm activity. "Could" OH MY GOD!!!!! Lets pay our gov't an exorbitant amount of taxes to offset this just in case! "Oh, what a fool believes"
  23. Weren't all the lakes, rivers and streams supposed to dry up due to global warming???? Contrary to Global Warming Predictions, Great Lakes Water Levels Now at Record Highs. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/06/29/contrary-to-global-warming-predictions-great-lakes-water-levels-now-at-record-highs/
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