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Everything posted by SVT MXZ XRS

  1. My son was so sick the Dr. told him no work or school for at least a week. He was better after a couple of days, but the fever came back. That's when the wife called the Dr. and made him an appointment.
  2. Yep. I'm laid off right now and will be getting UE benefits and sub pay while I'm off. Last I heard, I make to much to qualify for it. Which I'm perfectly fine with. My son will get a check tho since he files his own taxes and makes less than $150K a year. Like I said, give it to the people who need it. 👍🏼
  3. I remember seeing that they said it could survive on a surface for up to 9 days If you make less than $150K I'm ok with that. Give it to the people who need it
  4. My son was sick back in February with a respiratory infection for about 8 days. Had the fever, really bad cough and a hard time breathing. He was back on an inhaler for the first time since he was about 8. I was really sick March 8th-12th. I had everything but the cough and shortness of breath. My wife was sick for 3 days. She couldn't hardly get out of bed. This has been here a lot longer than we're being told.
  5. They just don't want people going out of state (unless it's for essential work) , and coming back here. And out of staters coming here. My in-laws , and my brother and his family are all going to their up N places to get away from it. They're better off up there away from Wayne Oakland and Macomb counties, which are the 3 worst in the state.
  6. Yep, just like those Scientology retards
  7. Jim, you can drive up there and get her stuff. Travel in the state isn't banned. They aren't going to do anything to you. My buddy just went to Western to get his son's stuff
  8. That stupid fuck doesn't know what day it is, much less whats going on in the real world. If it wasn't for CNN, Huff Post and DUH Underground, he wouldn't have anything. I'm all for this stimulus for small businesses, people on lower income who were already struggling before this and retirees. Won't be getting a check here and that's fine with me 👍🏼
  9. Didn't they close all international travel?
  10. No, butt keep cum guzzling ckf Run along now, Maggs
  11. He shouldn't have brought up anything about them. If I was Tony, I'd find that pussy Barbie hands one day and beat the fuck out of her.
  12. No, you posted about his kids and their mom because you're a fucking cunt. The only liar on here is you, Mr. Newdon
  13. Wipe your chin off. You've got some ckf dribbling down it
  14. That's why the wife's aunt and uncle left NJ and went to their place in Cadillac Mich away from it. They live right on the area near that shore where everyone form NY was heading to. Glad they got out of there
  15. Barb brought Tony's kids and their mother into it. Last I knew, that was a no no.
  16. You went against your own rules. You let him slide, just like you're giving Barb a pass.
  17. They drove up to their place in Cadillac and are staying there , just the 2 of them. Not even letting their kids or anyone else up there.
  18. Fuck that. No one made them take out a loan. I shouldn't have to pay for it.
  19. Same with prior paid in full loans. Those people deserve a FULL refund on their loan, and interest.. All or nothing. That or everyone pays.
  20. Peters, Stabenow and those other useless pieces of shit will never get my vote.
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