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Everything posted by revkevsdi

  1. I've been off the board for a while. Forgot my password and it took a while to get it reset. So Basically I've been watching threads. It's very interesting to see that no matter what he does Trump supporters will follow. Just a little while ago someone posted that the Top 100 CEO's are against Trump. Now even though part of Trumps draw is that mistaken belief that he is worth following because he is a good businessman. 100 Actual top business people's opinions get ignored. Trump is supposedly about Freedom. His followers believe in good old Merican Freedom. But Trump supports Stop and Search Rules. He want less freedom of the Press. Obama was being skewered by the right in the last Election. The right were insinuating that he had a secret deal going with the Russians. That was a huge reason not to vote for him. Yet Trump has Actual ties with Russians. Putin's people have hacked servers to help him. Yet his supporters don't blink. Trump tells it like it is......... Hillary is a liar. Crooked Hillary he calls her. Yet time after Time, study after study he is proven to be the biggest liar of any of the candidates, Presidents etc. Hillary lies the least and still his support rolls on. No matter who talks out against Trump the excuse is always there. "They don't like him because he is anti establishment. " Military, cops, Republicans, Media. Anyone regardless of past right wing ties who are against Trump suddenly lose all of their credentials if they tell the Truth about Trump. Remember when the right were saying that Obama made them a laughing stock to the rest of the world? Now suddenly when every other Country accept Russia is politely trying to say the Trump is a poor choice. That even his success so far has damaged respect for the US. Suddenly foreign opinion doesn't matter. Debt is a huge issue for many on here. The increased debt while Obama was in power gets huge airplay on here. Have you seen what people are saying about the increase that will come with Trumps plan? Far worse than Hillary's even when they give him the benefit of the doubt. All the way through this I wasn't surprised that Trump had a following. People like fake wrestling and Country Music. There's not accounting for tastes. I figured 20% of Americans were stupid angry and racist enough to follow him. But this is amazing. I'm use to politicians being hypocrites but I'm shocked that such a huge portion of the population hold Hillary's feet to the fire for things the Republican predecessors did in far worse ways. Emails, Benghazi, her foundation. Earlier Republicans have all done worse with regard to lost Americans. The Trump foundation is embezzling from a Charity at worse and a tax dodge at the best. Far more criminal than the accusations against the Clinton foundation. Stop for a moment with your hate for the Clintons and compare lie for lie, tax plan for tax plan and really think about this.
  2. Great video. Too many facts for most on here I am sure. Good find. I didn't have time to read all the replies but would I bet correct in assuming it was page after page of name calling and deflection? Did anyone dispute one for one the facts in this video?
  3. http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/many-in-nation-tired-of-explaining-things-to-idiots Thought you'd like this.
  4. This has little to do with religion. It has to do with a hateful murderer. This guy would have joined any religious group, christian or muslim. Remember the Wackos in Wako? People who a crazy and want to kill will pick any cause. Abortion Doctors, co workers, it doesn't matter.
  5. gay porn and talking about hurt butts...... hmmmmmm.
  6. Compare innocent people being killed to gun owners protecting themselves or other people. Let me know what you find. Canadians and Americans have very close to the same back ground. European/ christian foundation followed up with immigration from many cultures. We have similar cities, entertainment and religion. But your mistaken belief that more guns = more safety is killing so many citizens. A little common sense will tell you that a nut job like the latest shooter wanted to murder people. His access to weapons allowed him to inflict a huge amount of casualties. He wasn't a devout or radical Muslim. He was just a guy who wanted to kill a lot of people and blame his hate on the most logical group. Think about if for a moment. If you went off the rails and wanted to inflict maximum damage plus freak people out, you'd claim to kill people in the name of ISIS too. It creates even more fear than the original act.
  7. You live in a country that banned Lawn darts. You know because life if precious. Then they banned kinder surprises. Because some people couldn't figure out that the the prizes could choke a toddler or baby. Because you know, life if precious. So it seems somewhere people realize that some Americans are too stupid for the above toys. However, every month it is proven that Americans are either too stupid (legal gun advocates shooting children ), too crazy ( legal gun owners murdering innocent people) or too full of hate ( legal gun owners using their ability to buy military style weapons to murder people who they disapprove of.) Wake the fuck up USA. You aren't free, you are being oppressed by the very people that conned you into thinking weapons make you free.
  8. Something about respect for human life perhaps. So would Canada's. I'm sure that none of you give a shit about a bunch of gang bangers shooting at each other as long as stray bullets don't kill innocent people. However, there are a huge number of American's who equate freedom with owning military weapons. But what you don't understand is that true freedom would be freedom to send your children to school, attend church, a theatre, a company dinner without your lives being destroyed by a nut bar with enough fire power to kill 50 fucking people before they are stopped. You don't have freedom, are in danger and it is caused by idiots who beleive the NRA. It's per capita idiot. You do know. Sal doesn't get it. Thanks.
  9. You spend a lot of time on gay porn sites? Mine names Kevin and I owned a rev when I came up with the name. Not sure what gay connections it has for you but what happens between you and your computer is your business. Aren't you the coward with all the dupe names and is some kind of draft dodger. Maybe you should just stop commenting on any of my posts. I've never seen you add anything intelligent to a discussion so perhaps you could just fuck off. Taxpayer funded projects? Like corporate welfare? Because I really hate corporate welfare. Both Canada and the US seem to spend more on tax cuts and corporate bail outs than any other type of welfare. It's a fucking crime.
  10. I know I won't convince you silly fuckers. Like I said if a classroom of dead children won't wake you up, no amount of common sense will work. Would the crime scene photos from the Sandy Hook make you try really hard to come up with a solution? Anyway, good luck with all that. I'm going to enjoy my life. You can continue to have a murder rate 2-1/2 times that of Canada. Not sure how that can be since we don't have weapons to keep us safe. But continue on.
  11. Not the gun, easy access to military style weapons by any shit head who hasn't gone postal yet.
  12. Ohhhh, I'm sorry. Can't you dumbfucks connect the dots? Didn't some crazy fucker and his wife attack his co-workers a little while ago using military style weapons? You know ISIS, Alqueda and every other USA hating fuckstick out there has access to the internet. They can see how easy it is to get weapons. It doesn't take the same about of planning that 9/11 took to hit you. Remember a bunch of years ago when some ex military guy and his gimp were driving around taking pot shots at people at malls? It shut down so many outside activities. That was just two people. Then there was shooting after shooting. More dead people and it was obvious that instead of making it harder to get these weapons, a significant portion of the population were working hard to keep it the way it was. In fact weapons sales kept growing. So now there is a huge stock pile of weapons in every dumb shits house waiting to be used. So any of these organizations either has to buy them legally or if that would great too much buzz, just break in a steal them for some dumb bubba. You don't have to have much imagination to think how much damage could be done at a football game, shopping mall etc. by 5 guys armed to the teeth. Remember when this keeps happening that the gun lobby fought for these freedoms.
  13. Remember what happened on HCS? Those jealous fucks tried to cause problems. Whether they were serious or not one dumb fuck was going to send some of his buddies to my retired parents house. Multi million isn't that large of a business. 30,000 square feet is worth a couple of million, most presses are worth over $200,000.00. Were you actually pretending to know something about business? My point about home prices is that the "average person" benefits from a recovery in house prices. Unlike some people, I don't only worry about what will make me richer. Which is why I pay my employees well above minimum wage and implemented a profit sharing plan. It's not easy to share the wealth but it makes sense. Even with a small business like ours and our modest success, the extra money I make know ends up being spent in Europe or South America. My employees on the other hand are mostly much younger than me. Even with a decent wage they aren't travelling the world, they are spending all their money locally. You won't find it, I don't share much of that info. My views tend to go against a lot of the right wing people on here. Some of them are a little crazy and jealous.
  14. I think bombs are illegal along with the ingredients to make them. In fact if you buy enough ingredients to buy a large bomb, they track you down . However if you buy a military style weapon, you just get lumped in with all the other crazy fucks who happen to think they are a good idea. They'll never admit that the NRA are helping ISIS. These gun toting crowd are still dumb enough to think all these weapons are keeping them safe. You sure as fuck know that if a class full of dead children won't wake them up, a bar full of dead gays won't. I can't fathom how frightened the gun owners have to be to not put the well being of children ahead of their own fears. Such fucking cowards. But on the bright side, a new record. 50 people, dead 53 wounded. Thanks to the NRA and their stupid flock of shit heads
  15. You forgot house prices. The only real way the average person tends to benefit is when their house value increases. They've gone up a lot under Obama too. So that would pretty much make it on all fronts that things have improved. Too bad Reagan started that trickle down shit and Bushy started all that tax cuts for the rich crap. You may have even been better off. So many people on here keep saying that it's a false economy and no one is better off. That's because the GDP and stock market growth tends to help only those at the top. I'm surprised they couldn't look at the math and become Bernie supporters. 5 bucks an hour extra in the hands of someone making 10 bucks an hour stays local. But if those 5 bucks are kept for the owner and multiplied over thousands of employees in a huge corporation. That money somehow disappears overseas in a tax haven. It doesn't support the US economy or help bring down the deficit.
  16. He hits the shows with a long list of things he won't talk about. Name one show where he has had to answer for his lies.
  17. What? He's a union delivery driver? Oh well then he must know everything. I'm sure driving around in a truck all day listening to talk radio makes him an expert on every subject. Our very own Cliff Claven.
  18. I stand by my original assessment . You really are stupid. Your perception of any given topic does not make it true. It only pertains to how right or wrong you are. If more people perceive that Hillary is a liar than Donald, it just proves that they are wrong. It may work in Trumps favour but it won't work in the voters favour. You probably are one of those dumbasses that think they know more about climate science than an actual scientist. That does not make your views on the subject correct . I just means you are an idiot.
  19. Well then you and all your friends that agree with you have the choice to take all of your pregnancies to term. I suggest you allow people who think other wise to freedom to make their own choices. It's mind boggling that many of you care so much about them before they are born but fight tooth and nail not to support them after. From a logical stand point, if you honestly believe women who have abortions are murderers, why would you want the spawn of murderers around? Let people abort as many kids as they want. You'll have less evil people to worry about. Less welfare. Maybe for all you racists out there, you'll even have less minorities.
  20. Really? Compare his performance to that of Bush. Obama raised up the US in the eyes of the world. The economy has improved during his time. He has not been dumb enough to embroil you in two endless wars. The whole world was behind the US when 9/11 happened. Bush fucked that up really fast. Obama seems to be restoring that. Putting Trump in would be worse than Bush. Look at the chart below and see who would cheapen the office more. It's got colours and everything. You think people could follow it to a logical conclusion. That's good advice to anyone thinking of voting for Drumpf. Buyer Beware. The Drumpf is a liar and a Loser.
  21. So it's a poll of opinions? Not based on checking each candidates statements with actual facts. What this means is that even thought Donald lies 70% of the time and Hillary 30% of the time. The media has people believing it is the other way around. It's very telling since most right wing people keep talking about a left wing bias in the media.
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