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Everything posted by revkevsdi

  1. Trump just said that if you don't fight them there, they will come to America. You are so lucky to have him as Commander in Chief.
  2. Global temperatures rising, droughts, more extreme and frequent storms. That’s 3.
  3. That’s funny. It wasn’t a one off. He couldn’t read either link. Evidently 2% of people still beleive the earth is flat. So his fellow deniers are in good company.
  4. I think the truly shocking things was the Jeffrey Tambor looked that old in 1980 and he’s still alive today.
  5. For such a complete fuck up, she at least had the good sense to be polite to the cop.
  6. University of Houston energy fellows??? Yeah like they don’t have an agenda. If you read the link you would see that they include non published studies.The 97% refers to peer reviewed papers. So 97% of the people the put their papers out to be reviewed by the scientific community agree. Doug who runs the gas station doesn’t. When has their been 97% agreement among experts on a topic before? its amazing that you bozos still want to debate the facts instead of debating how to best tackle it.
  7. Great post. Calm fact based discussion with very plausible explanations that will be completely lost on 99% of the posters on here.
  8. It’s awesome that you support double wide Dave and Arctic beta. It’s like you all share one brain
  9. You’re on the same side of the argument as flat earth boy and 550. Congratulations, you’ve found your tribe fucktard.
  10. As I said, money well spent. At least in court people need reasonable doubt. With Deniers, unreasonable doubt is good enough.
  11. https://thinkprogress.org/fossil-fuel-industry-outspends-environment-groups-on-climate-new-study-231325b4a7e6/ Got to give the mmgw denying scientists credit. They know where the money’s at. 3 % of the climate scientists scooping up 90% of the money. Gotta admit they do a good job too. Despite everyday evidence from reliable sources, they still keep a sizeable group convinced that everything is fine. We just have to rake the forests, pick up litter and rebuild after every flood, hurricane, fire and landslide.
  12. revkevsdi


    That would be your TDS kicking in.
  13. revkevsdi


    You are correct. I didn’t complain about the length of any of them. Watching you dumb fucks circle the toilet bowl has been a laugh. Watching Republicans pretend shock and horror that a powerful man fucks around was hilarious. Watching them pretend that four dead Americans were more important than the thousands that died because of Cheney and Bush. Now evidently getting the full story is too tedious and time consuming.... who knew? I guess the change came when they decided that it didn’t matter whether a President Assaulted women, cheated on their wives made back room deals with Russsia etc
  14. revkevsdi


    It seems to me that the people that are angry about the length of time this is taking. Didn’t complain about whitewater becoming a investigation info blow jobs. They sure as fuck didn’t complain about Benghazi hearings.
  15. But on the bright side when he fucks up, he ends up putting all his family in dresses in India and looking like a moron. When Trump fucks up he alienates your allies and almost causes a war or supports despots.
  16. I like how the self proclaimed Conservatives, were the first ones to blame the instructor. The guy was about to go airborne and he didn't check his own harness. The Trumpsters are the first to say.... "Someone should have taken care of him. " Typical Trumpsters.
  17. With that many scientists, it's easy to find a few who overstated or were wrong. But yeah, 97% of scientist know it's happening. The UN know it's happening, Nasa, the whitehouse released a paper agreeing that it was real.
  18. Don't speak for all of them. Repeatable science thought, that's a good one.
  19. Not yet. I know it's wishful thinking bush let him have a couple of years of stupidity to prove to some of these dumbasses that he's an idiot. I have faith that a larger percentage of Canadians will figure Druggy Ford out than Americans figuring out Trump.
  20. http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/suicide-rate-by-country check our this chart of suicide by country. It shocking. Iraq, Syria and a bunch of the Stans are way lower than Canada and the US. Maybe they’re too busy getting killed to contemplate suicide.
  21. That’s why I suggested Putin was supporting the NRA. A loaded gun and a bottle of JD. , it’s your right.
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