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Everything posted by Seatofmypants

  1. How was the chicken?????? LOL
  2. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm ****Some of you guys**** seem like you are pretty smart..... why do you guys think the death rate is tracking inversely with the infection rate counts (since about May)? To me, something looks fishy with these counts.... is the virus mutating, are we getting better at treatment, or something else? curious what you guys think.
  3. Didn't Chris Cornell have a 4 octave range? His cover of Patience is pretty good, better then G and R's version imo.
  4. Nice....!! Getting you some bonus points with the MIL!
  5. Sounds good!! We have 4 more pallets (about 500 cases) being at the end of this week/early next week!
  6. You need to get on it buddy!!!
  7. Prime is killer on chicken.....I use it when I'm not using a sauce. Prime is also really good on salmon and tuna too!
  8. Which way you coming through PA?
  9. Pro tip.....use prime on beef. You will never go back to Montreal Steak. See above LOL.
  10. I will say, that taking a state by state approach has really killed business. A local restriction or county restriction(s) would have been MUCH more effective in fighting the virus, and helped to maintain some sort of normal business activity. But I'm just a lemming so my opinion doesn't count for much.
  11. My general opinion is that social gatherings spread the virus. Church=riots=concerts..... Makes no difference to me.
  12. Fordy did pleasure a dolphin during the BP spill....if memory serves me........
  13. Fordy...that is still almost 8 times deadlier..... then the OP.
  14. FTR CDC is stating that the virus has a 0.26% mortality rate. 2.6 people dead for every 1000 infected. Carry on.
  15. How were they???? NVM I saw your comments above. Wasn't to hot for the wife??
  16. What the fuck..............thank god for those sheepdogs.
  17. I bought HAL at $6.08. Just sold 2 days ago at $11.90. That was pretty sweet. Just picked up DAL at $25.90 and will pull the trigger here soon on NCHL. Turn and burn baby. And going short on my 401k netted me big time. Hoping it keeps up.
  18. LOL. My point is more about the police brutality that we keep seeing (a nice consequence of camera phones). I understand restraining a suspect, but that went way beyond that...... I know a few good cops but these bad ones really make it tough. Anyone know if Minn has body cams on the officers?
  19. My post didn't mention race..... not ONE. SINGLE. TIME.
  20. People need to see this......I cannot believe Police didn't learn from Freddie Gray (all officers walked so that could be why). Good luck Minneapolis, hope the riots don't destroy too much. Tough to watch.
  21. Memphis has a little kick...........but it is my fav!!
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