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Everything posted by SmeeAgain

  1. Certainly been status quo, no doubt about that. But this clown is simply unreal with his spending aspirations.
  2. He's a fucking fraud luring people who want free shit! People worried about the national debt should be sighting in their sniper rifles right now.
  3. She certainly was in no danger of him fucking her!
  4. Italy is great The trip is a while away so I wouldn't make any decisions not to go as of now. Give it a little longer to decide. Myself, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  5. Buddy of mine was in a Trackhawk and said it was awesome. For around $90K, it should be..
  6. If I owned a RAM I would too. You just know that bitch isn't going to start back up at a light one of the times..
  7. The whole debate was great comedy. Mini Mike was completely destroyed. Biden did get a good punch in on Crazy Bernie. Biden asked him how much in Medicare for all would cost as Sanders won't say - 52 Trillion over the next 10 years. Mini did also get a good right cross in on Bernie when he told him we are a capitalist county and his idea has been tried sever times and failed - it's called communism,
  8. Stupid cunt wants to get a 20 year bond to give the roads a 5 year fix!
  9. Christ! Isn't that the truth! That's one of the best examples of dumb-fuckery I've heard in a long time. Central Florida sucks - just fucking hot like Arizona. The coasts are great for many activities. So much to do in Florida. Can't beat the golfing and fishing!
  10. I visited the Soviet Union in '84 for a month. Anyone who could visit there and come back with anything positive about their governmental system has shit for brains of the highest order.
  11. If it's from smoking, he probably has non-small cell cancer. Very aggressive and will likely kill him. With what we know today about cancer and smoking, have to be a fucking moron to do that shit or to not be trying as hard as you can to quit.
  12. When a college buddy of mine was in medical school, their first year one of the assignments is to perform prostate exams on volunteers. Who the hell is going to volunteer for a prostate exam but fags? The professor had one of the volunteers come out to the font of the lecture hall. There were around 15 med students in the room He asked for a volunteer student to come down to help demonstrate the procedure. He had to stick his finger in the volunteer's ass and massage his prostate until a discharge came out. The class ass-kiss volunteered immediately. He stuck his finger up the guy's ass and began the procedure. The professor continued to lecture while he was striving for the discharge. Problem was the guy got a hardon! With a hardon, the procedure won't work - at least not the right discharge. The ass-kiss was working feverishly without getting anywhere. The whole class was beginning to snicker when the professor noticed the hardon. Professor asked for a new volunteer and a new student that wasn't as "good looking".
  13. Light has been traveling to us for 13.8 billion years. We can't know what lies beyond or how far it is as the light hasn't reached us yet. We don't know a lot of shit, but one thig we can bank on, a bunch of arabs 2-3000 years ago didn't figure it out.
  14. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-51281986?at_custom4=11EC3EB2-42C4-11EA-93CE-F2894744363C&at_custom1=[post+type]&at_custom3=BBC+Science+News&at_campaign=64&at_custom2=[Service]&at_medium=custom7
  15. Yep. That’s science. What we believe today will certainly be replaced in the future when more data is discovered. Still make a lot more sense that thinking a bunch of Arabs 2 to 3000 years ago had the universe figured out.
  16. The current thought is that the early universe was made of hydrogen. In areas of slight changes in density, hydrogen began to attract by gravity. These areas became the first suns. They convert hydrogen to heavier atoms by fusion just as they do now. They collapse when the get down to iron. This blows the created material out in space creating nebulas. These are where stars are born. This is a process we see happening today. Now why this happens from beginning to end is anyone’s guess. My guess is that it has nothing to do with a bunch of crackpots figuring out a way to control people in the Middle East thousands of years ago.
  17. Energy as in fusion of lighter atoms to heavier ones... Once all the hydrogen is gone, expansion may stop.
  18. Yep. That makes the most sense as well.
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