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Everything posted by Plissken

  1. It would have been interesting to see how Tulsi’s “Restore the Fairness Doctrine Act” might have dealt with social media companies if at all. https://govtrackinsider.com/restore-the-fairness-doctrine-act-would-require-broadcasters-give-airtime-to-all-sides-of-an-issue-1f3117e20d03?gi=6ebc700d251d
  2. Doesn’t what we typically think of as “cancel culture” really just boil down to free speech? Complaining is a protected right.
  3. The cost of servicing the debt is lower now than under Reagan.
  4. Plissken


    Was just Apollo 11 fake or were 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 also fake moon landings? If they were faking them why did they have to fake abort Apollo 13?
  5. How tempted have you felt to commit voter fraud? How close have you come? Voter turnout under 65% is fucking pathetic.
  6. We already have laws against voter fraud. No reason to make it harder or less convenient for law abiding Americans.
  7. Do turbo sleds typically build boost while cruising? Never had a turbo sled, but my turbo cars never built any while cruising, only under load.
  8. I’d clean the sheaves with a scotchbrite pad and some everclear, take a shot of the everclear, and then pin it.
  9. Yeah they need stop being such Boy Scouts about everything and invest in a vote counting machine company. They couldn’t even find 11,780 votes for Trump and those are rookie numbers.
  10. Where do you think they learned that little trick? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/north-carolina-political-operative-arrested-in-ballot-fraud-scandal.amp
  11. Bitch, please. Making business decisions based on “feels” is the height of snow-flakery.
  12. Oh yes I’m sure your DDS is all very righteous and justified.
  13. They cancelled someone so I’m cancelling them Snowflake meet snowball.
  14. All I know is he’s some British guy 3 years younger than Ilhan whose mother died when she was two years old. Ahmed returned to the UK years ago apparently without ever obtaining the U.S. citizenship which is purported to be the impetus. It would be rather silly anyway to risk felony conviction by marrying a sibling when you could just get them preferred in migration status by their sibling status alone.
  15. If true, which remains unproven. Supposedly she married her brother to get him into the country but she could have got him in as just being a sibling so the marriage charade doesn’t seem necessary plus the records show that she had six siblings when she was brought in as a refugee along with all of her siblings. The FBI supposedly looked into it over a year ago and we haven’t heard anything. A DNA test is the most conclusive way to know for sure but the way things are now, nobody would trust the lab or entity performing the test unless it confirmed their preconceived belief. Living in a post fact world where nobody can be trusted regardless of credentials sure is fun.
  16. Here’s more sources, choose your flavor https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/missouri-tricia-derges-coronavirus-fake-treatments.amp https://themissouritimes.com/rep-derges-indicted-for-illegally-distributing-prescription-drugs/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/4385630001
  17. You forgot to mention she was a previous winner of Food Network’s Worst Cooks in America! “Meanwhile, according to a report by Deadline, episodes of Robinson's season of "Worst Cooks in America" are no longer available to stream on Food Network's online platforms, including Discovery+, Hulu and YouTube. Robinson had been given $25,000 after winning the competition, which pits amateur cooks against each other in a series of cooking challenges overseen by celebrity chefs.”
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