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Everything posted by BobRoss

  1. https://scitechdaily.com/some-masks-can-be-worse-than-not-wearing-one-at-all-physics-of-how-masks-affect-airflow-and-covid-19-protection/ SCIENCE!
  2. This is a problem with most Americans. They have no idea how important our politics are to other countries. Other countries probably follow along closer than Americans do on most election years. Also, why is a liberal on a snowmobile website. Don't you have the environment to go complain about?
  3. I tried having a civil debate with you, but now I understand why civil debates never happen with you. You are just a Troll and cannot have a discussion.
  4. I asked what you don't agree with. Not how many times it gets posted.
  5. Other countries are just like the US and are very divided on our politics.
  6. This is why the left will always win. They are willing to get violent and break shit. Politicians don't like that and will obey to that behavior. Conservatives are push overs and would rather mind their own business and stay at home with their families. Until the day our actual families are threatened, I don't think we will be able to compete with the left.
  7. Anyone who knocks the 850 turbo is just jealous. They are the first to the market with a turbo sled that is hopefully reliable and just works. It is like a Apple product. It may not be the best or the highest specs, but it just works. To be able to make the same power at the top of the hill as the bottom is a huge deal. They don't need a lot of boost if they can push enough CFM to keep the same power the entire way. P.S. I hate Apple, but I know how important "just works" is to a large amount of people.
  8. I agree, I am very upset with Yamaha because I don't want them to quit. But I get it, there is little profit, shit is pushed to the max which makes it a warranty liability and costly R&D, short riding season, small market due to snow coverage. It is just really upsetting, because they are large enough to be able to bankroll snowmobiles and keep it going. Even at a minimal profit.
  9. 2020 GDP around the world is just pure garbage. I am curious to see how everything reacts to that.
  10. The deficit doesn't really matter as long as we are a superpower and have a very strong military. Money is a belief system and as long as we hold our power, the world will believe that our money has power. As soon as we lose that power ratio, the deficit will matter. What matters more currently to everyday people is inflation, but that is related to our deficit and multiple other factors.
  11. I have not made one yet, so I have no tips, but I am planning on doing this for the shop.
  12. I can't get over the word use of Toxic lately. Is it just me or does everything think when that word is used that it is just a lefty complaining about something? It seems like it is always some made up shit based on pure opinion. Next time you are trying to convince someone of something, don't use the word toxic unless you just want an argument. That's my 2 cents.
  13. Maybe we should start mandating off trail riding to ensure that the bikers can have their space?
  14. It is for those that wear headphones every damn place they go. I learned in 2020 that it is my job to ensure the safety of others because they cannot do it for themselves. Personally I think it should be mandated that we all run cans and braaap in all locations that might have people nearby.
  15. There it is! Pipes/Cans save lives! I run a trail can on my sled for the safety of others. Any stock muffler users are going to kill grandma!
  16. You believe anything you are told without questioning. I am not concerned about covid, so why should I be a guinea pig and be on the beginning rounds of the vaccine? I will take the vaccine when it has been proven to be successful. People are always sketched out by the first version of anything and wait until all the bugs are worked out of it.
  17. Is this tweet about the democrats for the last 4 years sowing doubt about our election system?
  18. The 5.0 is an impressive engine too. They are no slouch. I was just curious why you wanted to change. And yes, that thing can suck some impressive amount of fuel when towing. That part does suck. There are turbos in pretty much every diesel truck out there and you don't hear people concerned about them. Semis have turbos with million miles on them. I wouldn't be worried about the turbos failing any more than any other engine part on your truck.
  19. Good. All the quicker to find out if there is issues with the vaccine or not and hopefully it calms down the people who are concerned about Covid so we can get back to the way it was before.
  20. I honestly expected more vehicles to be aluminum by now. Especially cars. Was hoping it would bring the cost of repair down due it being a lot more common. Is the aluminum f150 higher to insure than other trucks?
  21. I mean anything is possible, but I don't think turbo failure is a common issue with EB or any turbo application. I can see how that would turn someone off of the vehicle though, but it is no different than all the diesels out there.
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