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Everything posted by jdsky

  1. My primary dealers have been multi brand for decades and they have all (3 of them) provided great service and support over the years. I do blame Cat for screwing over their dedicated mom and pop shops that stuck with them through all of their bullshit. I do feel bad for them but in a way you have to take charge of your business and do what's for it not for the manufacturer because that type of loyalty has been gone for a really long time.
  2. Not pushing UTV's just using it as an example of Poo engineering and manufacturing penny pinching. It's the same regardless of the toy. Jeeps used to be reasonable for what they are now it seems everyone is paying out the ass to live the "Jeep Life."
  3. Isoflex - definitely a bad deal for some and Doo definitely has their share of issues but the bearing issue for Poo is real and I know exactly why they are having it. I own Poo products on the dirt side and there are real issues there as well. Most of them have work arounds just like everyone with failing bearings on new Poo sleds are working around them by pulling the seals and greasing or by making them greaseable or putting decent bearings in that should have been there in the first place or just letting the dealer take care of it under warranty - for now. There is no doubt Poo likes to cut corners and see just how far they can push the penny pinching game and get away with it. It sucks when it's your 10, 20, 30 or 40K toy that suffers because of it. I will be replacing my RZR soon. This one is number three. It will take a lot to get me to spend more of my own hard earned cash on another one. They USED to be the only game in town for certain performance aspects in this category but the others have caught up and in many aspects surpassed them. No manufacturer of any of my toys has ever paid me to own them. I have no real love for any of them and could care less what brand toy is in my shed as long as it does what I expect of it. At the point where Poo can prove to me they have overcome some of the stupid little things they do when manufacturing their toys I may own a sled. My dealers have always sold all brands and I test ride every opportunity I get but initial "fun factor" alone is never enough to earn my cash.
  4. NSR has the fix for the shitty poo bearings so there's that. Cannot believe in this day and age they cannot get bearings that will last. I have not worried about drive bearings in more than 15 years.
  5. Unpossible, according to intertwerb communications nobody has ever received these shocks and even if they did there is no way they would ever work this kinda stuff is all doo marketing....
  6. It's still coming. No way big pharma is going to just give up on the gravy train. Already pushing yet another shot for everyone over the age of 50 and media back to pushing maps of "rising case numbers" followed up by video of china hysteria over the virus. No way this shit is ever going away and definitely not with elections on the way.
  7. It's pretty obvious that old dumstad has no idea what an allocation is....
  8. Yes, that one is funny as hell. I cannot imagine in any universe where I feel compelled to shell out $15-20K and then have to check that huge list of known factory fuck ups. Even better is how the brand diehards will defend the manufacturer responsible for the shitty quality.
  9. Turbo 4 stroke next year and they will have all of the bases covered. Then hopefully they can spend some time figuring out how to source some drive bearings that last more than a few hundred miles.....
  10. Cat first killed their dealers by forcing unsellable inventory on them. Then they literally just killed them off and lastly they killed off more by decided not to support them with warranty reimbursement. The problems were deep and wide and Textron is simply old school big business without the agility or talent to move Cat in the right direction and fast enough for customers to care. They have been bleeding customers since they took over and cannot get out of their own way to do anything meaningful to win them back. Unless these customers all left and had absolutely terrible experiences trying other brands I doubt even something new and exciting will bring them back to the brand. I wanted to try a Cataha in 2020 but the product and dealer experience just fell too far short of expectations.
  11. Even the Lester's had to dig deep to find something new and innovative from textron - high/low heaters on the Bust!! Another fucking unbelievable giant nothing burger from catextron.....
  12. Just fucking unbelievable and completely full on shit for brains running the show now. It just keeps getting harder and harder to actually believe that a MAJORITY of Americans actually think this kind of shit is actually ok. Thank God my daughter made it through college and is done with college, or any other level, of women's athletics at this point. I would completely lose my shit if boys in fucking girls attire were allowed to compete.
  13. I am also surprised by this but think there is a really small number of absolute diefuckinghards that will argue to the death that Cat's innovation is right up there or even ahead of Doo and Poo all while it's obvious even to a third grader that they have done almost nothing over the past decade for the trail rider. It's obvious with justification that all there is are new plastics. Well fuck, Cat cannot even get plastics and stickers then. And yes, the fucking overpriced cheaply made Blast does not count as innovation.
  14. It's getting harder every year to keep beating a dead horse.... Next year fans, next year, just wait, just wait.......
  15. Forget about range and charging, those things will work themselves out over time but so many already complain about 40lbs in a four stroke how will they even be able to ride an EV sled that will weigh 150lbs more than their two smoker? These riders say they get too tired trying to handle the extra weight. Maybe they take up knitting.
  16. Gotta love commentary like this. Cat is good and the do nothing strategy is working perfectly and precisely to plan. Keep crushing it Cat your fans still love you.....
  17. You can see all the new old iron next week at three different locations. The local even here is going to be on dirt with 40's near 50 all next week and even a chance of rain. You have to bring your own sled if you want to ride as cat is yet again, not offering any rides on the new old stuff...... https://www.sharetheridetour.com/
  18. My son wanted to order a G5 but was number 80 on the waiting list. Dealer ran out of sleds so no more orders. In one way he is relieved that there will be no sitting and waiting for something that may still come late in the season next year. Luckily the four stroke he is riding will just keep going and going until this mess is straightened out.
  19. Have to think that if Cat had anything new they would have at least done a Poo and posted a teaser but then again there may be nobody left in Cat marketing that knows how to post a video clip on the interwebs......
  20. Yes and they came out with their own version called loctite Poo. Supposedly 10X stronger than Red.
  21. Can't wait to see them all over the groomed trails next season.
  22. If April 1st is not a joke that would be the single most idiotic thing Cat could do this year. Both Poo and Doo snow checks will be closed and everyone that wants to order for next season will already have their deposit down and as everyone already knows, this includes more Cat fans jumping ship. I highly doubt buyers of Doo and Poo are going to wait and even if both manu's run out of snow checks these are not buyers of anything new coming from textron, specifically a first year unproven anything. I do remember the fans crowing about how the November launch and early snow check program was a stroke of pure genius. It worked so great they are now dead last to the table. The only hope is there are enough cat fanatics on super old iron that something, anything new with a cat sticker on it could bring them out of the woodwork....
  23. I did like how he describes it as a lazy 850 on up until the turbo kicks in, which you cannot even detect or feel at all, except for that he sled is fast. Yep, turbo lag.....
  24. I was able to see their 4S turbo test mules at a performance shop near me back in 2015. Just as Doo did, launch the NA version first then follow up with the turbo. Poo pushing the sport forward is good for everyone. If only Cat could remove head from ass and bring something new.
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