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Everything posted by Sleepr2

  1. It all comes down to the fact that leftwing policys drive business away and slow growth, Sooner or later the left is going to have to realize that more taxes, regulations and givaway programs are not going to help.
  2. There it is! the best deflection the left has , face it the policys of the left are failures . I don;t see any leftists whining that they are moving to Cuba or Venezuela of trump wins.
  3. Todays "Independents " are the one assaulting people in the street and vanadalizing other people property.
  4. Laws don;t apply to the left, just look at the lefts hypocrisy with rape ans taxdodging.
  5. The liar has a problem with the realitys of leftist greed and lust for power and control,
  6. Franken the taxdodger that bankrupted a childrens charity?
  7. It's OK,as long as she's a minority and a lib she'll gets a pass from the left
  8. Yup , Snobevis is dumb enough to write something like that ,, with help.
  9. Not if they can testify against the Clintons
  10. Reasonable salary, for 180 days a year?
  11. http://retailindustry.about.com/od/storeclosingsandopenings/fl/Store-Closings-By-State-2016-All-Going-Out-of-Business-Sale-Locations_4.htm
  12. Show one post I've made supporting Trump, And you're as intellectually dishonest ans McLiar.
  13. You love liberals, no matter how much they lie.
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