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Everything posted by Sleepr2

  1. Tax dodgers like you don’t pay your “fair share” you pathetic hypocrite.
  2. Says the moron that uses DUh underground as a source
  3. He’s been a proven liar and hypocrite for some time..
  4. If there was anything in trumps taxes it would have been leaked by now, either that or the liberals will wait until right before the election.
  5. If he was trolling he wouldn’t be blocking anyone that laugh at his stupidity. hes a perfect liberal moron .
  6. If not for double standards you’d have no standards at all.
  7. Wasn’t it McLiar whining about people “ hoping for fail “ until about three years ago?
  8. And Biden bragged about it. once again your hypocrisy is laughable
  9. McLiar is too stupid to understand the process.
  10. He’s too stupid to understand the process.
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