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Everything posted by washedupmxer

  1. Why do they accept plea deals with no jail time for hunter Biden but black entertainers who do the same thing go to jail?
  2. 17% of all gun murder is in California who has....... Some of the most strict gun laws in the country
  3. 1/3 of voters are obviously retarded
  4. Furthermore the Dems are literally making nominations of all kinds based on skin color alone....they aren't racist tho
  5. They had to bring the dead people in to vote They may not know thier own name but their vote matters
  6. Yeah my dream is to work hard and get rewarded and I'm currently achieving it. Quit being such a dipshit your whole life.
  7. How about that fucking moron do something about the damn fires that are smoking out half of north America
  8. If you were born in the United States of America, you already won the lottery so you can quit your crying.
  9. Oh she said the other day that she needs another 1.2 billion a year from you to fix those roads that she promised to fix for the money she had.
  10. Spend your money on fun stuff. It will be worth less tomorrow and if Democrats keep destroying the country, what's going to be left to enjoy anyway?
  11. Our highways and roads are a very dangerous place in today's world. We don't take driving serious enough in this country and we have a bunch of unattended unskilled morons behind the wheel. You have the safest most easy to drive vehicles that have ever existed and we're still setting records for accidents and fatalities.
  12. The senile old fool has no idea how sad and pathetic this is or how dangerous it is
  13. Okay, I'm demeaning to retards. That doesn't make you any lust of meaning to gays The funniest part is when you said you meant it differently Is there really people here so dumb that they would actually believe that? No wonder you're hanging out here lols
  14. Oh is that a bad thing? I know you and your buddy pouts prefer perpetual misery but easily amused works for me.
  15. What have we learned today? Funny pictures of other people are weird and uncalled for. Using the word fag perfectly fine
  16. Your soul isn't fine. You're not fine. So is that what you say to your gay friends? What's up Fag? It's a demeaning slur. You fucking know it and now you're trying to slink away smh typical lefty
  17. Because his face looks retardedly funny. Well, if you find it weird by all means I better change it right away!
  18. Well our justice system is a joke. Stars can grab broads by the pussy and get away with it. Plenty of Democrats too. What else did I miss? The fact that they're still calling him a puppet of Putin is amazingly dumb and pathetic, but that's your average democrat
  19. You don't like gays now eh? Why am I not surprised smh But just to help you out a little bit I have it because it's funny as shit. Not that a butt hurt broken soul like you would ever recognize that
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