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Everything posted by Elkhorn

  1. If it wasn't for the local news affiliate that happened to be there, we wouldn't even know that those two met. Not to mention FBI told people that were there no cell phones no cameras no pictures etc.
  2. Who actually believes slick Willy and his tired ticker were playin golf when it's 110 degrees out lol
  3. How many did GM stiff?? they are still using bankruptcy to hide
  4. What were you expecting? serms they did a very thorough job. Not to mention it wasn't a hit piece on Hillary. Unlike the dem version that mentions trump 23 times, what's up with that?
  5. Go read the report, it's out there. you're more bipolar than Ben, necer know who's gonna show up.
  6. What's your fucking problem? What about Iraq are you bitching about? I'm no more a hack than you, not sure why you have to bring me into your BS. Im not worried about Benghazi, that's not what the FBI will hang her for. This report wasn't about just Hillary. But it's sad that this investigation interviewed 90 witnesses the other idiots never talked to and published a report. 9 of which were eyewitnesses on the ground , but never interviewed until now. Do you even know who actually helped evacuate that night? That wasn't known before either. Educate yourself .
  7. Read the report, there's plenty "It is true, nothing could've reached Glen Doherty and Ty Woods before they were killed because nothing was EVER going toward [them]." - Trey Gowdy on Benghazi
  8. If you can't admit what they did, you're just a hack thru and thru. hey at least Trump isn't in it 28 times. Hell I didn't know the one guy that died with woods got a private flight from Trilpoli and went on his own to help
  9. Remorse, lol. the only remorse is the idiots that didn't want it and called it wrong.
  10. Well there was a poll somewhere I read, thought it was like 25%
  11. Not to mention for MC to say that nobody cares about this except the right wing is totally false
  12. How many Bernie voters said they won't vote Hillary.....
  13. To not care that a candidate is so corrupt, is a sad day for our country. The foreign money pay for play, Chinese foundation, etc, is fucked up. It shouldn't be left or right on this , it's right or wrong
  14. She's toast, the FBI won't talk to her until after the GJ hands down her indictments
  15. Donald Trump and his joint fundraising committee have raised at least $11 million since Tuesday morning, Republicans said Wednesday, a tremendously quick haul that comes amid concerns about his fundraising ability.
  16. I love It, Ryan says we're in recess, turn the fucking lights out when you leave
  17. Lol, what a fail, bathroom breaks and catering... then Ryan says see ya dumbasses, 2 week recess
  18. Poor failrider, you do realize the FBI is investigating way more than emails don't you? I think it's the pay for play they got going that will hang her
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