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Everything posted by yami123

  1. Agreed Yeah what a disgusting car 🙄
  2. You wouldn’t take a viper lmfao????
  3. I agree, don’t think it will stop anyone from buying one just saying I HOPE they don’t sell a single one. Unfortunately 90% of people could care less or even know where it’s built. .
  4. Fuck GM I hope all the GM faithful boycott them. Screwing thousands out of jobs and decide to build the new blazer in Mexico. Hope they don’t sell a single one of them. Hiring temps over transferring your senitory employees is just wrong.
  5. Yep. My father in law has worked for FedEx for 25 years and UPS drivers make a pretty significant amount more. His neighbor is UPS driver and definitely does better from what I've heard.
  6. Probably some bitch who just started last week and wants full time seniority pay and benefits. Do your time like everyone else with union benefits!
  7. Sergio made the right call killing off sedans years ago. He knew this was coming. SUV'S and Trucks are the market.
  8. President Bush's service dog. Truly a mans best friend. Poor pup.
  9. Our new Golden. Had her a few weeks now. Easton has a new best bud
  10. Never had a dog growing up but wouldn't give them up for anything now. Mans best friend for sure
  11. Our new permanent dog lol. Easton was not impressed at all at first but a short time after their best buds. Figured it was time he got some company
  12. I'm on the last episode of the second part right now. KZ is a fucking genius!!!!
  13. yami123

    Yukon xl

    Yeah that's insane.
  14. yami123

    Yukon xl

    Arent those like 100 fucking grand LOL
  15. yami123

    Yukon xl

    Its still a 3 row full size SUV. I wouldn't exactly say its "small".
  16. yami123

    Yukon xl

    Yeah a durango is real small
  17. We were in the sand bar (pit up front on the floor) well worth the money what a great time. Except when you gotta piss or need a drink
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