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Everything posted by racer254

  1. So there is no doubt that biden got 81 million votes, but he did not get 81 million people to vote for him. The ballots were there, that what 2000 mules proved. What's even better is the fact that if he really got 81 million votes and was a popular POTUS the DNC would not have thrown him out. Do you understand that? You really just don't get rid of a popular incumbent POTUS that is "sharp as a tack" unless you are just peddling lies.
  2. Hows that working for commuters? How is that commuter train coming along in California?
  3. This is the norm for democrats....but walls and fences don't keep people out...sure
  4. You guys seem to be talking about Billy. Except it has always been someone else's wives. It was ok then...now you have standards.....
  5. Jealous is more like it. Dems and some republicans just can't stand the fact that his policies work. Big government does not like him because of it. Less Taxes, Less Regulations, More private sector jobs, Communists and other Big Government promoters do not like that.
  6. Jesus christ, give it a fucking rest man. TDS 24-7 It's all you ever talk about. You just constantly defend Kamala.
  7. Lol, trump has nothing to do with it and they still bring him up. Sounds like many on here.
  8. LOL. It's taxpayer money, the government is justifying it and you are just helping them. How about less subsidies and less taxes, start with just having a balanced budget. But the first to cut would be all these non-elected non-essential positions in government. There is a reason I believe these numbers are inflated, it is to again, JUSTIFY their existence.
  9. Lol, tech execs didnt push this. Think about who looses the most when people can work from home. The middle and lower class spend less. That means less taxes for one. And less control over the workforce.
  10. For a conservative he really props up Kamala. It's almost as though he is promoting radical democrats.
  11. They are a fickle bunch that just do what they are told. And they have the media constantly backing these idiots.
  12. So you actually have no fucking clue how much it actually costs to plug a well, nor would you have any idea if I did throw out numbers to your questions. Just a typical know nothing idiot, please carry on karen.
  13. It reminds me of a bunch of scorned women....oh wait, the dem party is being run by a bunch of scorned women. Hillary, Kamala, Pelosi, Warren, AOC. It's all making sense now.
  14. Just the new normal now. Just like putting tampons in boys bathrooms, or coke in the white house or stopping an incumbent, record vote getting potus from running. Remember he was the best acouple of weeks ago, now....just normal
  15. Gotta love mental midgets and their tactics to downplay the fact that walz likes china.
  16. You have all these Mental Health Professionals trying to figure out a way to justify there "skill set". Doing nothing but "listening" to people. Mostly over paid emotional support figures. Convince them at a young age that "they" need therapy.
  17. Noone is brushing it aside we just want to know the basics of what it costs to plug a well. I bet there is some interesting costs that bring the number up to the 280 billion. I think it is a number that has been exaggerated to have an effect.
  18. Is this guy now your savior? He hasn't done anything that can be viewed as conservative in the last 15 years. But you like him now because he endorsed Kamala?
  19. What's weird is that the OP is actively searching for these pictures.
  20. 11 Pages and not one reason yet? Only the usual BS from the tds crowd. I have yet to see any Harris signs, but I have seen a lot of home made trump signs.
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