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Everything posted by racer254

  1. Actually, I love unions. My family is a union family, I just don't like the way the upper management of unions take advantage of the workers.
  2. This would work until you had a union rep complaining that the work being done by the homeless could be done by a union laborer.
  3. As he says in the video: "join us today, we have to do something"
  4. I agree and fuck them. If they can't find a way to curb that narrative then they can leave just like the rest. The dems are in the same boat, but they keep cheerleading the cause.
  5. The crap that comes out of some around here is just unbelievable. The post that he typed lets many in on his mindset. Mental disease comes to mind.
  6. That's why they are not keeping the seats and are being voted out for better conservatives.
  7. "about half of the state's revenue comes from the wealthiest 1% in California." Another state run by Democrats that thinks the wealthy don't pay their fair share.
  8. I like the fact that there are many here who understand how to make our military might more efficient. Of those with great ideas, they are 90% conservatives and vote that way. Yet, continually we have democrats on here projecting how "conservatives" want to increase military spending. You know who you are, NEWSFLASH. You are incorrect with your constant rhetoric.
  9. Is the high cost of living in the liberal utopia of Chicago worth the $$$. Are you getting your money worth in the services provided?
  10. You mean like the John Doe investigations in Wisconsin? That kind of behavior?
  11. Me and a couple buddies were talking about things like this and how many are saying snowmobiling is a dying sport. We had some theories, most revolved around marketing and the cost of it to buy and maintain a sled. Sure seems like parts and prices are going way up lately.
  12. tickets brought in nearly $264 million in 2016, or about 7 percent of the city’s $3.6 billion operating budget. How are the roads?
  13. Dem hypocrisy is always a good and relevant topic.
  14. Imagine that, in a Dem controlled city no less. They love them some taxpayer fleecing.
  15. You fall for the deception every time. If this was worded differently, you would probably take a different side. If the headline read something like "Goliath corporation takes on non profit pro rights group and loses 50 million dollar tax give away" how would you react?
  16. Oh, pwease don't pick on my pooor wittle democwats.
  17. Yep, the left and their hypocrisy comes through. Here is some of your hypocrisy: You constantly preach how corporations that get tax breaks are BAD.... --Delta is a corporation. --Delta gets tax breaks. --Delta must be bad? --Delta speaks out against the NRA --Republican threatens tax breaks You do a full 180 and now LOVE Delta, proving once again your hypocrisy. Its party over position for you.
  18. And you should get a wrap like this:
  19. Oh look, slinger is always against corporations and corporate tax breaks UNLESS they are against the NRA. What a douche.
  20. Yeah, You have to do a lot to them, but it's not to hard, just takes time. I changed everything you listed. They make a pretty tough trail sled once you do what it takes to de-snocross them.
  21. Hold on, You believe that the trump admin is a security risk and needs money because he is in debt? Yet, the DNC is in debt. The Clintons took it over, yet this never crossed your mind with them? Damn, you really are a full blown party hack that will believe anything that is fed to you.
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