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Everything posted by racer254

  1. Bunch of crooked fucks. “So to give you one brief example, [the] University of Phoenix, it’s a for-profit school — a lot of people have heard of it — the Obama administration declares that the company is not serving students well, and they say, ‘We are going to suspend GI dollars from the Pentagon for soldiers to study at the University of Phoenix,'” explained Schweizer. “Well, you can imagine, this for-profit university, its stock price goes from like a hundred dollars a share down to three dollars a share overnight. So what happens? Marty Nesbitt, Barack Obama’s best friend, says, ‘Hey! We’ll step in and buy it. We’ll step in and buy the company.’ They do. They basically buy it for three cents on the dollar, and then, lo and behold, imagine what happens next. The Obama administration decides that, ‘No, we are going to allow GI dollars flow to the University of Phoenix,’ thereby boosting the valuation of the company again.”
  2. So this guy was promoting propaganda and lies right up until he was fired from fox news, but now toolkit believes he is telling nothing but the truth? WOW, what a world he lives in.
  3. Get mueller on this....he could wrap it up fast.
  4. Really, could you give us the details then? Was this accidental?
  5. There are NO details in this particular story. Did the pistol just accidentally go off or did he point it and pull the trigger? And why did he have his pistol out in the first place. Noor was one of the first Somali-American police officers in the area. This is the incident according to wiki: Damond called 9-1-1 twice eight minutes apart late in the evening on the day of the shooting, reporting that she thought she heard a woman either having sex or being raped.[18] Officers searched the area and found no suspects or signs of the suspected rape that had prompted Damond's telephone calls to 9-1-1.[19] According to the account by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, which is investigating the shooting, the officers were driving through an alley, the lights on their squad car off, looking for an assault suspect. "Officer Harrity indicated that he was startled by a loud sound near the squad," the statement said. Immediately afterward, Ms. Damond "approached the driver’s side window of the squad car. Harrity indicated that Officer Noor discharged his weapon," striking her through the open driver's-side window.[20] There have been conflicting reports concerning how many times Damond was shot. Some sources have claimed Noor fired a single shot,[21] while it was reported that Damond was shot multiple times.[22] The officers attempted CPR to no avail; Damond died 20 minutes later.[23] Both officers had their body cameras switched off.[24] Minneapolis introduced police body cameras in 2016, but their activation is not mandatory in all situations.[25] According to MPD protocol, officers are required to activate body cameras for "all citizen contact". Investigators were looking for an unidentified witness, a bicyclist, who stopped nearby while the officers were administering CPR. [26] They subsequently located and interviewed the bicyclist. While officials have not confirmed nor denied it, it has been reported that this witness recorded at least some portion of the incident.[23]
  6. And wait until NOW, to really come clean. LOL
  7. I have done it constantly with both parties. I don't GAS which party it is.
  8. Exactly, but that's ok if the dems are doing. Partisan hacks is all some here are.
  9. Usually there are ordinances in place that require a sizeable deposit to a government entity in case situations like this happen. This protects the taxpayers so they are not on the hook to clean it up. Sounds like someone either dropped the ball or another case where a government regulator was not doing their job. Funny how it boils down to that, yet everyone wants to strictly lay blame on the company.
  10. This type of shit needs to be out in the open and people need to vote these crooked fucks out.
  11. Why do they have Paul Ryan on a meme saying congress should have the same healthcare as the people they represent? The ACA is a dem mess!
  12. Where were the regulators that were supposed to be the watchdogs and stop this type of thing from happening? Were they paid off? Were they just collecting a paycheck? What about the people in government office? Drain the swamp so that this DOESN'T happen. That's why trump was elected. I see some still can't understand that.
  13. Weeding out the people that are a waste of taxpayer money. It's the apprentice only in the WH this time. Would you rather have inept people kept in the positions?
  14. I believe there is an agenda to create this fear rather than educate gun safety. Look at the difference in mindset between people who have taken gun safety and education vs the general public. Education is the key, not stricter gun laws. But that's not what the anti-gun advocates like this group promote.
  15. Nope, people under 18 are minors and should not be subjected to political issues by one side or the other. This was organized by a political bias group. You don't see the problem, because you're a blind partisan. Perfect example of your hypocrisy: Walk out of class to protest gun violence----A --OK, but try and teach a gun safety course in a public school? NOPE. You're a misguided bunch being led around by your emotions. Democrats pushed back Thursday against a Republican measure that would allow Wisconsin high schools to offer gun safety courses, arguing such classes aren’t appropriate and could generate fear in classrooms.
  16. People like you are best when they stop trying to manipulate young minds with a specific agenda. It was organized by people with a specific political agenda. ACTIVISTS What don't you get about this phrase? organizers of the Women’s March are promoting a “National School Walkout” On November 9, 2016, the day after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States,[36] in reaction to Trump's election campaign and political views,[c][38] and his defeat of female presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Teresa Shook of Hawaii created a Facebook event and invited friends to march on Washington in protest.
  17. The fact is that these people are using young minds to promote a political agenda and you don't see a problem with it. As an "educated" adult you should, but as a partisan hack, you don't.
  18. A conservative school district??? How so?
  19. Covering their asses now. The teachers and faculty of any place that was organizing this had a way out. They would make the parents and anyone against this protest look like the bad guy in the eyes of the kids. First, promote the walkout because they know it's easy to get kids to walk out of school Second, if someone complains, mark those kids absent and blame it on the people complaining. MANIPULATION.
  20. This sounds like they are using kids and their young minds for their own adult political agenda, IE: manipulation for their cause. As you may know, organizers of the Women’s March are promoting a “National School Walkout” at 10:00 a.m. on March 14th, 2018. The purpose, as stated, is to “demand Congress pass legislation to keep us safe from gun violence at our schools, on our streets and in our homes and places of worship.” This National Walkout has been called in response to the tragic shootings that took place at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
  21. You do realize that the same government using tax dollars to give Middle Eastern's weapons are also trying to make stricter gun laws in the US also using your tax dollars. The Irony.
  22. It exposes the hypocrisy of liberal narratives when two or more are brought into one situation such as this.
  23. That's funny that you have determined race and sex at the size of a kidney bean for your argument. So what does that have to do with being pro-life or not?
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