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Everything posted by 99mxz600

  1. No idea what email addy I used then Good.... just living the life in Florida That dumbfuck still around?
  2. Ah.... didn't know he was here Thanks John
  3. Biggest fuckin idiot on the internets You need to know your old one right? I think he did mine before but can't remember
  4. That will be my second post Haven't been there in forever and kind of wanna check it out
  5. I think that's a good place to start don't you?
  6. You still a mod at HCS? If so can ya help me with my password? Same screen name as here.
  7. Yeah but he's a fuckin no nothing moron......
  8. Well it ain't no 440 race sled but I guess it's ok..................................... FAGGOT....................
  9. Sorry to hear about your Dad............. hope all is well..... Post some pics when ya do
  10. Sweet looking ride John ................. but Jay is still a faggot.....................
  11. Thats not a serious question I hope.......................
  12. The Raptor part was a joke right?......................
  13. Maybe he could borrow Bussmelon's.....................
  14. I must say you have a very diverse taste in music John............ I like it.............
  15. Search Facebook for the overhead pic..... he was clearly across the line.............. and quit your fucking whining, you're not a TTUN fan anyways...............
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